Business, Marketing, SEO

Learn How to Do a Technical SEO Audit in the 2020s

Many consumers are increasingly making online purchases and use the internet to make buying decisions. As a result, businesses are looking for ways to engage with these customers. There is nothing that contributes more to the success of your website than having the best SEO strategies. To make sure that you’re using the right SEO strategies, you should do a technical SEO audit. This post will show you some of the things you can conduct in a technical SEO audit in the 2020s.

Technical SEO Audit

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A technical SEO audit involves managing your website and its content to make sure that it ranks high in the search engine result pages on Google. Therefore, you should check that all aspects of your SEO strategies are right. This means checking what is working and improving what’s not performing well. 

Because SEO keeps on changing and several businesses are adjusting to these changes, you should also remain up-to-date to be competitive. If you fail to do this, perhaps you can lose most of the traffic to your competitors. For this reason, you need to do mini-audits each month with a full audit performed at least every four months. 

Factors affecting your SEO strategies

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The Plain English Guide to XML Sitemaps

The major factors that affect your SEO are the technical, on-page, and off-page aspects. Technical aspects refer to things like indexing, hosting, and page loading speed. On-page aspects are site content, keywords, and many others, while off-page aspects include outside references and backlinks. 

All these aspects are important for the success of your website and an audit should be done regularly. Below is what you should consider in  technical SEO in the 2020s:


Crawl your Website

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There are various tools you can use to crawl your website. The reason for crawling your site is to find errors like poor images, broken links, poor keywords, and page title problems. Even better, doing this exercise can help you to find out unlinked pages, duplicate content, and excess redirects. 

Google Search Console can also help you to view your crawl budget. In this way, you can see how Google views your website and optimize it organically. Therefore, to improve your crawl budget, you should remove duplicate content, restrict indexation, give URL parameters, and remove some of the redirects

Check the Sitemap

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The SEO Metrics You Need For A Proper Top-Level SEO Audit

Your website’s sitemap is very important. It can give information to search engines most of the details, such as your site’s structure. If you want to get your SEO right in the 2020s, consider having a sitemap. Therefore, while doing the technical SEO audit, do the following: 

  • Clean the sitemap: It’s important to clean your sitemap by making sure that it doesn’t have any errors. Remove excess redirects or even URLs that might block indexing to help the search engines find your sitemap.
  • A concise sitemap: If your sitemap has tons of URLs, it will be almost impossible for Google to crawl it. Therefore, it should be short but include all the necessary pages. 
  • Keep it up-to-date: If you have new content on your website, then add it to your sitemap. This is an easier way for search engines to find your latest content. 
  • Register in Google Search Console: Another best thing you can ever do is to inform Google about your sitemap. You can manually do this or specify its location through robots.txt.

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