Business, Geek, Tech

Can 1 Bitcoin Make You a Millionaire?

Bitcoin is a form of cryptocurrency. If you are unfamiliar with cryptocurrency, the whole thing may seem a bit complicated. However, it is easier than you think at first. Bitcoins


Business, Tech

What is a Bitcoin Wallet and Which is Best for You?

As Bitcoin becomes more popular, many new users must navigate the often confusing world of cryptocurrency storage, safety and security. One of the first steps any Bitcoin enthusiast must take


Business, Tech

Crypto Scams Eat Away More Than $2 Million

The grim reports coming in from Kaspersky Labs, a Russia-based antivirus firm is that cybercriminals have been able to steal more than $2.3 million in the second quarter of 2018


Business, Tech

Google Meets With Cardano: Is it preparing to Move into Cryptocurrencies?

Google recently invited Cardano and IOHK executives to their London offices to discuss cryptocurrencies. Charles Hoskinson, former CEO of Ethereum and the Founder of Cardano gave a brief introduction at


Tech, Tips

Everything You Need To Know About The Mobile Wallet

Like any specialized industry, fintech is brimming with trendy buzzwords and obscure jargon that can make it difficult for the layperson to jump right in. KYC, blockchain, and regtech are



Top Payment Options Successful Businesses Offer Their Customers

A business without customers or money isn’t really a business. You need to ensure your customers are happy, and that you have the means to accept varying kinds of payment.


Apps, Branding, Business, Entrepreneur, Tech, Web

Are Your eCommerce Customers Ready for Digital Wallets?

Ecommerce is keeping a steady pace in the United States. EMarketer forecasts that nine percent of all 2015 retail sales will be conducted online. Digital wallets—ApplePay and its competitors—will be