Games, Geek, Tech

Gaming Computers: Why Are They the Latest Craze?

Gaming has been a common hobby among all age groups for years now. It has developed on consoles, cell phones, and PC, and has generated a source of entertainment that


Games, Geek, Lifehacks

As Lockdown and Restrictions Continue, These Are the Best Games to Pass the Time

Despite vaccines being on the way, it looks like coronavirus restrictions are going to be with us well into 2021. This could mean long days, weeks and months of being


Games, Geek, Tips

4 Tips That Will Make You a Better Gamer

In a perfect world, you would have unlimited time to play video games. Nothing makes you happier during these uncertain times than when you are working your way through the


Games, Geek, Tech

Buying PSN Games Online vs Offline: What’s Best?

Everything is moving towards an online society. Real-life, “offline” shops are closing down fast. Times are changing, but the gaming industry is moving just as quickly. Console and PC gamers