Daily Business Resources for Entrepreneurs, Web Designers, & Creatives by Andy Sowards

30+ Unique & Minimal Business Card Inspiration For Designers

So it has been a while since we featured some amazing business cards – so we have some fresh ones here for you – some of the best we’ve seen in 2012 so far! Today we have some EPIC Minimal card designs – really clean and beautiful in a simple and effective way. We also have some super crazy and unique designs that use CONCRETE & METAL now that is “Heavy” haha. We also have some great origami inspired ones. So I hope this inspiration for designers will help you guys on your projects! If you are designing cards for your clients, or you are making some cards yourself and print those bad boys out to show off, whatever it is your doing, I hope these cards inspire you to think outside of the box, and stand out of the crowd! Enjoy!

These business cards are made of concrete! omgzzz wtf! awesome!

Wow, these are made of metal! Epic business card coin idea!!

Origami!? business cards!? YES PLZ.

What is your favorite type of business card? Leave it in the comments below! Thanks For Reading!

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