Daily Business Resources for Entrepreneurs, Web Designers, & Creatives by Andy Sowards

20 WordPress Pre-Built Templates to Save the World

Does the world need to be saved? It is a complicated question. However, if anything does have the ability to save the world, then it is definitely beauty. Today, we need beauty even more than ever before. It’s about enjoying your life: why would you spend your time on something you don’t like?

Creating a good-looking website from scratch is a complicated process. You need time and money and a lot of patience. If you want to do it, then do it. But what about other choices? Building your website around CMS such as WordPress and a pre-built template could be a lot easier and just as suitable to your goals.

WordPress has a lot of advantages. It’s no coincidence that a lot of successful websites use it. WordPress is reliable, easy, aimed at getting your things done. What about pre-built templates though? Why should you choose one of them and not build your own?

They Do Look Good

All of the pre-built themes from our list were created by professionals. They are beautiful, fun and original. It is important for any kind of business to look good — and this pre-built templates deliver.

They Support Every Platform

It doesn’t matter if your website looks good on a desktop, but then it doesn’t fit to mobile devices — nobody will like it. It doesn’t matter if it looks cool on the screen of your iPhone, but becomes terrible once you switch to your MacBook. Nobody will use it. A modern website should look equally fly on all devices out there. It’s a good thing then that all of the templates from today’s list are responsive and support mobile devices.

The Templates Are Yours

All of these templates were built around the Cherry Framework. It allows you to customize the template even after you install one on your website. Even more, all of the images you see in demos are yours too — you get a license to use them how you see fit.

There’s Choice

Here are only twenty templates. Out there, you can find thousands more, on everything from golf club to Mexican cuisine. Even if you don’t find anything suitable to your need now, you can always find something later, browsing through a huge collection of templates on one of the template provider’s websites.

They Help

Back to the template providers — one of the huge benefits you get with a pre-built template is a helping hand from your template provider, such as TemplateMonster.com. 24/7 support could help you immensely if you encounter any problems or have a hard time installing or customizing your theme.
Templates Save Your Money

All of the templates presented below cost less than a hundred dollars. What is even better, they could be installed on your website today. It’s huge: your website can make the world a better place starting tomorrow. After all, the world does need to be saved.

Invest. A WordPress Template for a Modern Investment Company

A minimalistic, attractive choice that embodies a kind of certainty that everyone wants to see in their future. Press a button and you have a result, be a customer of this particular investment company and you start a new life. It’s all about the ideas.

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Get Fit or Die Trying. A Cool WordPress Theme

It’s hard and it’s Hollywood. This template is about getting into shape and smashing a couple of baddies on the way. The black background works with pictures just nicely and a few bright red touches here and there provide a much needed boost for your energy. It’s like an energy drink in the form of a template.

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Holidays You Want. A Luxurious WordPress Hotel Design

An unusual theme with brisk red colors and elegant contrast. There’s a subtle idea of luxury hidden in there. Not that kind of luxury that only a chosen few can get, but luxury that is available for everyone. A good choice for a hotel that wants to be on the edge.

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Portfolio of Mass Success. A WordPres Template for a Photographer

For the professional photographers, portfolio is the most important tool in the world. It is their home and their gift to the universe. Choose this template if you want to show that you value your work — and want others to value it just as much.

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Night Time, My Time. A WordPress Template for Your Night Club

An extraordinary template that could highlight how stylish exactly your night club is. It is simple and quickly gets to the point. And the most important, it makes sure that everybody understands what this point is — the night fun.

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Horses! Attractive WordPress Design

An elegant design for an elegant sport — horse riding. This is a calm and confident template that makes it clear that you know what you are talking about.

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Finding Aquarium. An Underwater WordPress Design

It’s a template that is not only informative and will help your customer to choose what they want to choose. It’s also a great fun for everybody who is interested in underwater life. With its blue background your website will look like something from the ocean.

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Future Care. A Modern WordPress Design

This is a modern template for a modern hospital. The combination of red and white at the top makes you seem caressing, while the black background in the bottom makes you seem professional. The best mixture when it comes to medical help.

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Get a Tattoo. A Bike-Ready WordPress Template

A loud, straightforward template for a tattoo business. It’s brutal, but it is that kind of brutality that attracts, not otherwise.

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Hometown Love. A WordPress Design for the Best Place in the World

A grid of pictures in the very center of your website will show every aspect of your beloved hometown right from the very first second. It’s important to show what exactly makes your city special.

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Green. A WordPress Design for Agricultural Needs

A detailed template for a website on everything connected to agriculture. A great way to inform your customers how exactly your products are made. Being clear and honest is a shortcut to achieving success.

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Healthy, Sexy. A WordPress Theme for Getting Fit

An exceptional choice for a website about weight loss. The clear, easy-on-the-eyes design will make your readers feel the need to lose everything they don’t need in their lives. Like excess weight.

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The Law. An Important WordPress Template

If you consider your law firm to be reliable and professional, this theme is a sure way to emphasize those qualities. With its calm palette and dark colors it makes sure, that actual business is being dealt with. No nonsense.

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Creative Body. A Tattoo-Loving WordPress Theme

An imaginative template for imaginative tattoos. The division into three blocks (header, picture lightbox and the information in the bottom) works great and really helps your customer to quickly understand what they need.

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Beautiful Estate. A Mobile-Friendly WordPress Template

A simple, modern design. Everything is where it should be, information is easily accessible and it looks good too. Isn’t that how you want your future house to be?

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Safe and Sound. A Security WordPress Design

With its red-black palette, this template will make your security firm seem the most reliable in the whole world. Terminator used it, why shouldn’t you?

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Making Smiles. A Charity WordPress Template

Charity is always great. But when you are working with a charity, it is important to make your mission as clear as possible. This template provides all the necessary information right on the front page.

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Beauty Saves the World. A Model Agency WordPress Template

A vivid, albeit simple design for your model agency. It has a lot of place for your beautiful photos and makes them look great when combined.

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Create, Share. A WordPress Design for Your Creative Agency

Brisk colors and an attractive usage of contrast will make sure that your website is standing out.

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Market for Success. A WordPress Design That Makes Marketing Handsome

Marketing is the science of achieving success. There’s no place for complication there. Something simple, minimalistic and easily understandable would work great for your website — something like this template.

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What was your favorite WordPress Theme? Found any awesome themes that you think would fit in this post that we have missed? Share with the class in the comments below! Thanks for Reading!

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