Daily Business Resources for Entrepreneurs, Web Designers, & Creatives by Andy Sowards

Is Your Blog Falling Flat?

Many businesses use a blog to generate sales. Content can be an incredibly powerful marketing tool. But what happens if your strategy isn’t working. Here are some hints to help you spot signs that your blog is falling flat, and some tips to turn it around.

Is your blog falling flat?

A blog is supposed to be enticing bait for potential clients. When visitors click on the link to our blog, it should propel them to learn more about your business. Ultimately, what you want to achieve is increased sales. An engaging blog can help you do this. There are millions of blog pages out there. So how can you compete, and when do you know that it’s time to make changes?

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Visitor numbers

Most blogs use tracking tools to see how many people visit the page and where people are reading the page from. This can help you get an accurate idea of your target market. If your numbers are very low, this indicates that it’s hard to find the blog. You could be creating the best content, but nobody can read it. It may also be a red flag if your visitor numbers are tumbling. This suggests that you’re not holding onto existing clients.

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Negative feedback

Feedback is always beneficial whether it’s positive or negative. You can learn from the comments you read. If people are leaving negative feedback, this is a clear sign that your blog isn’t doing what you want it to. Take the comments on board, and make an effort to address your reader’s concerns.

Failure to convert interest into sales

Are you getting plenty of traffic, but struggling to close the deal. Are people reading the blog, but not buying into your business?

Image Source: Pixabay

How to turn things around

Listen and learn

Interaction and communication with clients are key when you’re trying to build a business. Make a concerted effort to respond to comments, and learn from mistakes.

Get your blog out there

It’s a shame to devote time and energy to create incredible blog posts if nobody can access them. This is where an effective social media and SEO campaign come in handy. You want to attract people to your blog and make it easy to find. If you’re not an online marketing maestro, read an SEO blog or seek advice from a professional agency.

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Seal the deal

Think about the reasons why people are visiting your site, but you’re not converting interest into sales. If you’re an online retailer, it’s beneficial to be able to answer questions. Many people put things in their baskets and then change their mind because they have reservations. If you can provide a live chat feature or an FAQ section, this could boost sales. You can also use backlinks and blog posts to promote special offers and deals. Hopefully, this will bring more people to your site, and increase sales.

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Blogging can be a really useful marketing tool, but you’ll have to crack a saturated market. Make sure that people can find your blog, and that you capture their interest with original content. Use your blog to encourage sales, and provide clients with all the information they need about your business.

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