Daily Business Resources for Entrepreneurs, Web Designers, & Creatives by Andy Sowards

Create Better Projects with These Top-notch Developer Tools and Services

It’s just what you’ve been waiting for; a one-stop resource for developers’ tools and resources. Finding and choosing among the best of the bunch can be a challenge for anyone. More and more software products and services are coming onto the market every year. Many are very good but the sheer number of them makes it difficult to zero in on those you want and need.

App developers have sought to build bridges between software development and operations. To build successful bridges that introduce exciting new functionalities. Also that enables you to experience faster product delivery times.

It’s not just the numbers that make the search difficult. It’s also the various factors that need to be considered when selecting a tool; as you will see.

1. Elementor

Built with developers in mind, Elementor excels in the number of useful features it brings to the table. This tool’s ability to give a developer or development team virtually everything needed is due in large part to the fact that it is an open source project that’s been supported by thousands of contributors.

One of the results of these contributions is a full stack of solutions you can use to attack and resolve the problems you encounter. No matter the problem, you won’t have to look far to find a path to quickly address and resolve it.

The following key solutions should give you an insight into what you can accomplish when you have Elementor at your fingertips:

It’s easy to sign up for Elementor and we suggest you give it a try.


Invoicing can be tedious, boring, and time consuming; but it’s important if you expect to receive money to put in the bank. The time-consuming aspect is worse because it takes away from other important responsibilities like coding and testing. Invoicing can also become complicated when you have large projects and/or multiple projects and multiple clients.

AND.CO is a smart invoicing app that automates the entire process, including creating invoices of billable hours when time is tracked inside the tool. Once an invoice is created, it will be sent to a client and the payment received will be deposited in your bank.

You’ll also find the AND.CO mobile app useful. Sync it across all your devices and you can keep abreast of the entire invoicing process while on the go.

Give AND.CO a try if saving time and money appeals to you.

3. Atom

Atom is another open source tool loaded with cool software development features. You can use this flexible, extensible desktop tool that is resting on an Electron framework to develop cross-platform apps on OS X, Windows, and Excel.

Being open source suggests a capability to access thousands of open source packages, a capability that has made Atom super-extensible and a definite crowd-pleaser.

Wonderful things can happen when developers collaborate, and Atom fully supports collaborative efforts. You’ll find that working with others to create code isn’t any more difficult than working on your own and can in fact be far easier.

When an open source tool is carefully managed, like Atom is, it neatly fits into the “must-have” category of software development tools.

4. TMS Outsource

Outsourcing development work offers many advantages to web design teams and project managers. It saves them time and money, they don’t have to invest in equipment or add skilled developers to their team, and they can devote more time to what they do best.

TMS Outsource subscribes to and practices SCRUM development methodologies. The personnel are skilled in a variety of coding languages and they have firmly established a reputation for delivering quality code on time.

5. InvoiceBerry

Let InvoiceBerry help you with your invoicing. The service they provide is easy, straightforward and will streamline the process and save time you can devote to other pressing duties. It’s simply a matter of selecting a template, inserting your logo, billing data, and your client’s email address. Let InvoiceBerry do the rest. Payments can be made through Stripe, PayPal, and WePay and you can check status on the dashboard at any time. Try this helpful service at no charge for 30 days.

6. Testim

Testim was created to help Agile teams build automated regressions tests that execute quickly, provide results, and require less maintenance. The secret lies in machine learning techniques that create stable tests and learn from past results, so you don’t have to tweak test procedures with every code change.

This is an ideal solution if you find yourself or your team being overwhelmed by the sheer volume of software testing you’re tasked to perform.

What must be considered when selecting a good developer tool?

Developers are talented people who seem to have a knack for creating miracles for their clients and customers. It’s mostly individual talent and hard work, but much more than simply writing code is involved. Software development tools play important roles. A great amount of effort is often expended in searching for and finding the right one for a given project or task.

That’s the challenge these developers constantly have to deal with.

What does this challenge involve?

The right type of tool must be selected, whether it’s a code editor or a compiler, a GIU designer or a performance analysis tool, etc.

The task at hand is important. It can be a project management and issue tracking task, a prototyping task, a cloud management task, etc.

Once a candidate has been found it has to prove to be useful. It has to be able to integrate easily and seamlessly with other tools. Also it should have a shallow learning curve.

There’s more to consider, but that’s the general idea.


Which tool or service you might select from this article will naturally depend on your particular needs. You don’t have to worry about all the features and capabilities. The tools and services presented here are among the best of the current crop of developer aids. They should satisfy most, if not all, of your most pressing needs.

Any one of them should save you time and money and increase your productivity by streamlining your project workflows.

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