Daily Business Resources for Entrepreneurs, Web Designers, & Creatives by Andy Sowards

A Guide to Budgeting Your Home Renovations

No matter the scale of your upcoming home renovation project, having a comprehensive budget is key to success. Without a clear and detailed budget, you risk not having enough money to finish your project at all. Budgeting for your home renovation project can seem pretty difficult, as there are many different considerations to bear in mind and many variables. However, with the right understanding, planning a successful home renovation budget is completely achievable.

1. Plan Your Renovations

The first step to creating a successful home renovation budget is to plan your home renovation project. You need to think about all that you plan on doing to your home, this includes all the work that needs to be done, all the material and labour costs. You will also need to consider how the renovations will affect your life. For example, will you need to pay to move some of your belongings into storage? Will you be able to continue living at home during the project or will you have to pay for a hotel?

You should write down all the costs that are in any way associated with your home renovation project as the first step. Writing down all the costs for your home renovations will help you to have a clear understanding of when you are starting to create your budget.

2. Decide Your Financing Options

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Once you have determined how much money you will need for your home renovation project, you will then need to decide on your financing options, namely, how you are going to pay for this project. There are a number of different options that you might choose from: you could apply for a personal loan, or pay from your savings.

If you are taking out a personal loan to pay for your home renovation project then you will need to establish a clear repayment plan. You should create a realistic repayment plan early as this is key to ensuring that you will continue to afford your project in the future and that you are not left with unmanageable debts.

3. Do Some Research

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Once you have worked out a budget and decided what work you can afford, it is then time to do some more research. You should look into the details about who you are planning on working with for the project and what materials you are using. You should look at reviews of both work crews and materials to ensure that they are reliable. It is also useful to check to see what the expected return is on different home renovation projects to make sure that you are spending money wisely.

4. Add a Contingency Fund

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No matter how carefully you plan your home renovation budget you cannot predict the future. It is always useful to create a contingency fund that amounts to between 10% to 20% of your overall home renovation budget. 
This fund will ensure that you have access to the funds you need if your project is delayed or goes over budget. Creating a contingency fund will make sure you are always able to finish work no matter what.

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