Daily Business Resources for Entrepreneurs, Web Designers, & Creatives by Andy Sowards

AndySowards.com :: Web Development Nerdy Daily Links For 10/08/2008

AndySowards.com Nerdy Daily Links

Sorry for the delay in daily links! I’ll have to change this to bi-weekly links if I suck any more this week haha. Thanks for hanging in there, so due to the link shortage, this is the HUGEST link post I’ve ever done. So you better preciate it! 😉

WordPress, Nuff Said.

URL masking tool

Fight Spam

Photoshop Tutorials

FireFox Plugins

Make your Web Startup

Windows Tools


Design Inspirations

Social Networking

Tech Stories

Opera Browser Developer Tips

Tweet This

Copy Cats Suck

Daily Laugh

Web Developer Resource

Ajax Tutorials

Funny Functionality

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