Daily Business Resources for Entrepreneurs, Web Designers, & Creatives by Andy Sowards

Say it ain’t so, Adobe FormsCentral

Adobe, titan in all things PDF and all things design, recently made waves by closing a key product- FormsCentral. This lesser known tool, but beloved by a loyal user base, allowed users to create online forms and seamlessly integrate them with their websites. No longer. The shutdown, announced six months in advance, displaces each and all of these users who now need to find another online form service.

Adobe FormsCentral Fading Away

Enter JotForm. The first WYSIWYG online form builder, JotForm has long been a leader in the field. In a distinct departure from “the way this normally goes,” it’s the focused and targeted solutions that beat out the big brand name. For reasons analysts may not be able to comment on, Adobe simply wasn’t able to capture more of this growing market in online forms. Their official statement falls short of owning up to their goliath-esque defeat by stone-throwing Davids. It claims “there hasn’t been as much demand for this type of service as we anticipated.” Insiders in the industry well know, this sector is growing. It just wasn’t interested in Adobe’s contribution to it.

As competitors line up to welcome ousted FormsCentral users, JotForm provides a migration tool that makes it the quickest and easiest solution to port to. Simply enter your FormsCentral login info, and an email address for your new JotForm account, and press “Go.” All forms and form data will be imported. As of this writing, all other migration tools provided by competitors require listing the forms one by one, and won’t transfer the data.

JotForm, One Step Migration Tool

This tool represents just another way JotForm’s engineers innovate for their users. New and old users alike, are still reveling in its recently released Form Designer. It gives users best-of-brand design options for your forms. Design options that Adobe, global leader in design tools, never provided.

JotForm Form Designer. Easiest CSS Builder.

This disruption in the online form building market highlights an online service that’s oftentimes outshined by flashier news items. The fact remains, anybody building a website, is likely to need a form. There are a lot of websites, many of which host one or more forms. For those who don’t want to build it themselves, an online form builder is the solution. Try any of the alternatives listed in FormsCentral official farewell to online forms.

Have experience working with an online form builder? Tell us about it in the comments.

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