Daily Business Resources for Entrepreneurs, Web Designers, & Creatives by Andy Sowards

Is Project Management the Right Career Choice for You?

According to the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, project management is defined as the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet a project requirement.  As the manager, you are responsible for how the project is planned and executed.  And ultimately, the success of the project depends on you. 

As with any career, there are certain skills and traits a person must have in order to be the most successful.   Some people have these skills naturally, while others must learn how to strengthen them to adapt to the nature of the job. Project management is a job that requires superior organizational and leadership skills.  Read below to find out whether you have these skills and if a career in project management is right for you.

Leadership Skills

6 leadership skills for project managers

Because you are in a position of authority, it is important that you wield your leadership with competence.  In addition to having people skills, you must be able to make realistic decisions to meet your goal.  If you want your employees to work as a team, they need an effective leader.  There are differing leadership styles out there, so if you need assistance in this area, try attending a leadership seminar or attend a class.

Organizational Skills

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At any one time you will find yourself juggling many parts of the project in the air.  You will not only create teams, but you will also have to create plans, align appropriate goals, communicate about the current project status, and manage any unforeseen difficulty.  This also encompasses time management.  You will often have to work under strict deadlines each step of the way, and you will have to be adaptable to change. If you can handle the pressure that follows this management position, then this may be right for you.

People Skills

As a project manager, you will constantly be working with people.  You are an essential part of piecing teams together based on their talents and the project’s needs.  There will also be times when you’ll have to mediate between groups and reorganize for efficiency.  It is important that you can assess employee’s skills and place them appropriately to ensure best performance. Employees must also feel confident that they can come to you with any issues or concerns.  You will want open communication amongst various levels of management to make sure any mistakes are smoothed over.

5 Interpersonal Skills Every Project Manager Should Possess

Do you feel like this job is right for you?  If you have these skills, then you have what it takes to enter the field of project management.  Should you choose to go forward, know that there are a few steps to becoming certified and employed.  First, know that there is no one form of education that is necessary to become a project manager—it is the skills that are most important.  However, you do need to at least have a high school diploma or GED.   It is also advised that you get at least a bachelor’s degree, while some project managers have their master’s. You can get a degree in project management, but you can also get virtually any other degree—business, organizational psychology, English, and the list goes on and on.  Make sure that whatever your education, you develop critical thinking skills and increase your ability to get yourself and others to work as a team.  If you are already a working professional and you want to further your education, then it is possible now to get your degree online.  You will have to complete a PMP exam to be officially certified as a project manager.  Make use of sites like crushthepmexam.com and use as many resource materials as possible to ensure better chances of passing. After the exam, you will be required to attend continuing education classes every three years to remain certified.  Look into the proper education requirements now, so you can reap the benefits of your practice in the future.

Project management can be a diverse career path that leads you to advancement opportunities you’ve never dreamed of. Consider your aspirations and skillset and determine whether this career is right for you.

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