Daily Business Resources for Entrepreneurs, Web Designers, & Creatives by Andy Sowards

Benefits Of Cloud Technology For Businesses And Governments

Cloud technology has many benefits over traditional localized hardware and infrastructure. It’s commonly used in our day-to-day lives: for data storage, virtual workspaces, social media networking, streaming media services, online banking, and more. Internationally, businesses and governments are moving to the cloud because it offers benefits that range from financial to time-related, technical to social. The following are some of the popular reasons why it’s an optimal time to make the switch to the cloud.

Flexible Access

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Data can be retrieved from the cloud in any location with internet access. Programs and applications can be run from the cloud and information can be accessed instantly. International offices can easily host virtual meetings, transfer files and media, and employees can work from home or while in transit. Work can be accessed on any device, so switching from laptop to phone to tablet is simple. Slashing employee commute times by allowing work-from-home opportunities improves work/life balance and increases employee satisfaction and most often overall productivity.

Disaster Recovery

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Physical hardware and infrastructure can be damaged. An accident like a flood or fire, or other damage from a natural disaster, could potentially wipe out hardware and everything stored on it. Data stored in the cloud is protected and redundant, so it’s easy to both back-up and recover your information due to multiple servers. Businesses can stay up and running, no matter what.

International Expansion

Many nations are working quickly to improve their cloud readiness and capabilities. Cloud service providers are expanding their reach all over the globe. For those working in the technology space, companies can seek the benefits of importer of record services to set-up in countries with outdated technological infrastructure. In places where policies and regulations often see shipments of IT equipment stuck at the border, an experienced importer of record like TecEx that has an efficient track record in 160 countries can achieve proper customs compliance and assume all risks associated with importing cloud technology.


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Resources can be scaled up or down depending on the needs and usage required from virtual cloud servers. Resources are automatically increased when heavier demand is placed on servers, and there is no need to continually pay at the raised rate once the usage spike has returned back to normal.

Carefree Maintenance

Cloud servers don’t need to be maintained in-house, so governments and businesses can save money. Updates, including security upgrades, are looked after by the supplier. There are no costs associated with physical hardware and there is no need to dedicate office or storage space to house hard drives and server equipment.


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Loss of security can be as simple as an employee leaving their laptop on the train or a USB drive falling out of a messenger bag. Data stored on the cloud has better security because physical, lose able storage drives aren’t needed, and lost devices can be wiped remotely.

Cloud readiness is increasing thanks to governments making wise investments and changing their policies. Cloud service providers who need to set-up their physical servers and equipment can import anywhere by collaborating with an importer of record. Access to cloud technology has never been easier.  

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