Business, Entrepreneur, Legal

How to Build a Digital-First Law Firm

Whether you are a managing partner at a large law firm or handling a small team of practitioners, it’s important to keep up with the times. At the rate at


Lifehacks, Tech, Web

Tips to Navigate Safely in Google Chrome

Google Chrome is a great web browser, but like with anything else in life, there are risks associated with using it. This blog post will discuss tips to help you


Business, Entrepreneur, Tech

Content Filtering Devices Exacerbate DDoS Threat

Hackers infecting devices with malware and dragging them unwittingly into a botnet army for nefarious purposes sounds terrible enough. Unfortunately, it turns out the bad guys may have found a


Business, Entrepreneur, Tech

How to Verify Customer Information and Prevent Fraud

Any business must check whether customers are legitimate. Through an effective verification process, business owners can prevent fraudulent activities, detect fake identities, and comply with government regulations, especially when it


Business, Entrepreneur, Tech

3 Data Security Tips To Protect Your Business And Customers

According to Identity Theft Resource Center, 1,291 breaches have occurred in 2021, which is higher than 1,108 breaches in 2020. The year 2021 is a record-breaking year for data compromises,


Lifehacks, Tech, Web

5 Critical Web Browser Safety Tips

  Using your web browser to consume entertainment, shop, or check your bank account or other financial pages can quickly turn disastrous without suitable precautions, with more cyberattacks using web


Business, Entrepreneur, Lifehacks

Protecting Your Business Against All Threats

There are a number of different traits you’ll need to become a successful business owner. You’ll need to be innovative, coming up with unique products, services and business ideas. You’ll


Business, Entrepreneur, Tech

14 Business Threats to Always Plan For

Running a business is a delicate balance between many different factors, and entrepreneurs need to learn how to navigate challenges. Some problems are unique to a business type, while others