Geek, Mobile, Tech

How 5G Will Impact the Mobile Casino Experience

The most prominent trend in online gambling is a move towards mobile gambling. In the UK, experts estimate that more than 55% of all online gambling activities are taking place


Apps, Entrepreneur, Mobile

How to make a Mobile App from Scratch

We all have that million-pound idea that we keep returning to. But while we may have inspiration, having the time or expertise to realise your idea is a different matter!


Business, Mobile, Tech

Top 5 Ways to Protect Your Businesses Mobile Devices

In the modern age, it’s incredibly important to have a watertight safeguarded IT infrastructure. Protecting your companies data from cybersecurity threats and ensuring that it’s fully compliant, it’s an invaluable


Business, Mobile, Tech

App Builder 101: Top Five Mistakes That Can Destroy Your Mobile Application Development

Getting a mobile application for your business nowadays is an indication of your stature. Not only that, it also brings you even closer to your customers. Most customers, may it


Apps, Mobile, Tech

Upcoming Mobile App Trends in 2019

The mobile market has evolved greatly in recent years, and it’s safe to say that efficient and popular mobile app development companies will continue to grow with it. A huge


Apps, Development, Mobile, Tips

How To Run Android Applications In Google Chrome Using ARC Welder?

In this article, you will discover a very handy information on how to use ARC Welder in order to run any kind of Android-based applications directly in Google Chrome. A


Design, Mobile

Top Mobile Design Trends for 2018

If you’d like to keep up with latest developments in mobile design, read below our predictions as to what design trends will be most popular in 2018. For convenience, we


Apps, Development, Mobile

How To Develop A Mobile Application Users Will Love

Here are some critical points on how to develop a mobile application users will love: Start with a clear understanding of your users’ needs. What are they trying to accomplish with