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How to Combine Working and Studying While You Are in College?

People may have various reasons for working a job while they are studying in college. Combining college studies and work has never been easy, however, many people managed to do both of these things at the same time. Some students are asking the experts from essay writing services online because they are so busy or can not be sure to provide an excellent paper to the teacher. The biggest difficulty that most people experience in this situation is achieving and maintaining excellent performance either in their studies or job. With enough effort, and proper time management you will be able to reach pretty much any goal you set for yourself. Here are some general guidelines that people who combine work and studies follow.

1. Create a plan.

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Success is a result of previous preparation. When you plan to undertake a difficult challenge, having a clear plan is essential. Review how much time you spend in college and how much free time you have. Also, calculate how many hours you can devote to your studies. Do not forget to devote sufficient amount of time for sleep. Since human beings generally need 6-8 hours of sleep every day, you will likely have 16-18 hours each day that you can devote to studies or to work.

2. Do not hesitate to turn to others for help

One of the major difficulties people who combine work and studies face is being able to excel in their studies or work. Life can be unpredictable, and sometimes people have very tight schedules that leaves little room for studies. Fortunately, there is a solution. EssayPro is a top-level academic writing service that works with best writers from all over the world. If a deadline for your essay is approaching, you can order the best essay online at EssayPro.com at affordable, student-friendly prices.

3. Prioritize your activities

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In rare cases it may be hard to decide which is more important to you, college, or your job. However, most of the time when people decide to combine work and studies, they usually have their priorities figured out. This does not only concern work and college, how you spend your free time is also something to consider. Deciding on your priorities is going to help you effectively distribute your energy and time. Many people who have successfully gone through college while holding a job had to sacrifice some of their leisure activities from time to time. This means that occasionally, your social life may suffer a bit and you will miss out on some of the entertainment. However, you only have 24 hours in a day and a lot on your plate. You cannot expect to be everywhere at the same time.

4. Work smarter, not harder

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Depending on your job, you may or may not be able to dedicate large periods of time for your studies. If that is the case, then make the best use of small bits of time you have. Say you have an hour for your lunch break at work. Maximise the use of that time by using it to study something. It can also be very beneficial for you to record lectures and then listen to them on your way to or from work. Keep in mind, however, this will take some planning ahead to achieve desired results.

5. Make use of your combined experience

If you happen to work at a job that is related to your field of study, then you are in luck. Chances are, you will gain an insight on how some things work and will not need to spend countless hours over textbooks learning the same concepts. This can greatly reduce your study times and have a tremendous benefits for you exam scores.

6. Do not procrastinate

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This one should come as no surprise. Common sense says procrastination is a bad idea in general and can develop into an unhealthy habit. It may be tempting to leave your homework for the evening like most people do, however, this may not be the best way to go about it. Instead of waiting to get things done, get them done at the first opportunity. It is as simple as that. Our world is full of potential distractions and it will not likely be easy, however, avoiding procrastination will prove to be beneficial in the long run.

7. Avoid wasting your time

If possible, pick a place where you work somewhere close to college or to a place where you live. This will cut the transportation time. Another important point to consider is to avoid distractions such as Facebook, Instagram, video games, etc. It doesn’t mean you should eliminate them completely, but learn to manage how much time you spend on these distractions and avoid them during your study time. This will save plenty of your time and energy.

8. Learn to deal with stress

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Of course, at some point you will encounter stress either due to your work or studies. Given how much you are trying to accomplish, it should come as no surprise. It does not mean, however, that your stress level will not be manageable. Keep your stress level in check by taking regular breaks, getting enough sleep, and staying physically active. Remember that you are a human being and not a robot, sometimes, you need to rest properly. In order to perform at your best, your mind needs to be relaxed and stress is not going to contribute to it.

9. Keep your eyes on the prize

You may encounter some difficulties at one point or another while combining working and studying. It is best to remember why you decided to do what you do and stay on track. If you decided to combine a job with your studies, remember, the experience you gain now will pay you back in the future. Do not give up and continue doing what you are doing.

Follow these general guidelines to create a success plan for yourself. Nothing is impossible these days. All it takes is effort, perseverance and proper time management. Don’t lose sight of your goal and it is only a matter of time before you achieve it.

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