Daily Business Resources for Entrepreneurs, Web Designers, & Creatives by Andy Sowards

Overwhelming People with Ads can be Counterproductive

Advertisements are essential for attracting people to buy what you have to offer. Businesses have always used ads. There are different ways in which these ads are used and they also come in different forms and shapes. The materials used are also different. Today, most of the ads are online. Businesses find this platform more effective considering that there are a lot of people who are online at all times.

Despite this, there are other forms of advertising platforms available. Traditional print media like the use of pull up banners is still effective. There is nothing wrong with using different advertising outlets if you want to reach out to as many people as possible. Not everyone is online, so digital advertising is not always the best option. The same thing is true with print media with its limited advertising capabilities.

Using varied platforms allows you to increase your chances of introducing your business to a lot of other people. This only becomes a problem when you overwhelm people with ads. For instance, when you are buying ads on certain sites, these ads must be properly placed. Using them as pop up ads will most likely be annoying. Instead of gaining attention, people will start hating your brand.

The same thing is true when it comes to print media. There is nothing wrong with having banners in key areas. Just make sure you don’t place too many large banners within the same area or else it could be annoying. You could even end up getting mocked for your desperate attempt to catch attention.

Be strategic

How To Place Ads on Your Blog Without the Clutter

The key is to always be strategic when it comes to the placement of your ads. If you are advertising online, select the right sites where you should place the ads. The site must be popular so that a lot of people can see what you have put up. The site must also have the same target readers as you do. You want to attract the same market.

The same is true for print media. You want people to see the ads if they are placed in key areas. Study the behaviour of your target audience and determine if the said area is where they usually pass by. For instance, if your target audiences are parents and children, schools and parks are the best areas where you can put up some banners and posters. As long as you are allowed to place ads in those areas, it is fine.

Observe the results

10 Highest Performing Google AdSense Banner Sizes & Formats for Your WordPress Site

It is difficult to determine if your strategies in advertising have succeeded or failed if you have lots of ads out there. You want to attribute your success to the number of ads that you’ve put up, but you won’t know how much the difference would have been if the number of ads had been fewer. Conversely, if the ads failed to attract more people, you also won’t know if it was because of the overwhelming ads.

You should be careful in determining what you show to the target audience. Find out what they want without bombarding them with irritating ads.

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