Business, Entrepreneur, Finance

What is Longevity Risk and How to Manage It Using Term Insurance: Managing

Have you ever thought about the financial risks associated with living longer? As medical advancements continue to increase life expectancies, it is important to consider the impact this can have


Entrepreneur, Finance, Freelance

Tips For Irregular Income Management

Living on an irregular income can feel like navigating through a financial rollercoaster. For freelancers, sales professionals, contract workers, and others who don’t have the luxury of a steady paycheck,


Business, Career, Entrepreneur

How to Understand That You Are Ready to Work as a Trucker

A career as a trucker at HMD Trucking has many other advantages besides a decent salary. You have the opportunity to cross the country every day and see many new


Health, Lifehacks, Tips

Four Things You Need to Do When Buying Life Insurance Online

Life is a journey and regardless of where you’re at, having proper life insurance is important. Even those in their early twenties need appropriate coverage. But when it comes to


Business, Entrepreneur, Startup

How to Calculate Overtime for Semi-Monthly Payroll

Regulations for overtime pay are determined on a Federal level by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA); however, some states have even stricter guidelines for determining overtime pay. A semi-monthly


Business, Entrepreneur, Freelance

3 Digital Business Ideas

Remote work is picking up steam, and with it, ambitious individuals are seeking out ways to start bringing in income from the comfort of their own homes. Of course, with


Business, Entrepreneur, Tech

What are the best side-hustles in Asia?

Whisper it quietly, but Asia’s usually bustling borders are once again opening for international tourism in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. Countries such as Vietnam, the Philippines and even


Business, Entrepreneur, Freelance

11 Tips For Making Freelance Life More Straightforward

There’s much to love about being a freelancer. You’re able to pick the projects you want to work on, and in many cases, you’re able to charge more than you