Career, Lifehacks, Tips

Is Happiness Determined By Higher Salaries?

We all have days in our jobs that leave us feeling deflated and questioning our career choices. This can be down to colleagues, clients or daily tasks and plenty of


Lifehacks, Tips

What is a Good Strategy for Paying off Debt?

It has been said that no business survives without incurring debt. Others have even stated, “There is no ‘big’ business out there that is debt-free”. While this may be an


Career, Lifehacks, Travel

What Salary Do You Need to Live Comfortably in Singapore?

A foreign national that wishes to find work in Singapore can do so by working through a recruiter that will assist them in finding jobs in Singapore that suit their


Art, Career, Design

Honing Your Creative Skills Into A Professional Career

We all have a couple of creative skills under our belts, from writing to drawing, to crafting posts for social media or making and editing videos. All in all, we’re


Business, Lifehacks, Tips

5 Ways to Make Some Extra Money Online

The internet has opened up a whole range of new possible ways to make money and the possibilities are endless. It might be the case that you are looking to


Business, Lifehacks, Tech

How To Earn Money While Working Remotely At Home

There are many benefits to working from home. With the advent of advancements in technology, companies all over the world can now outsource employees from all over the world. So


Business, Entrepreneur, Startup

Don’t Drop the Ball on Business Filings

Many first-time entrepreneurs read about the asset protection offered by establishing an LLC or a corporation and think that this is all the legal protection they need, believing they can


Business, Entrepreneur, Lifehacks

How to Determine How Much Money You Need to Reach Financial Freedom

Obtaining financial freedom is a goal for many Americans, and with consumer debt at an all-time high, it’s becoming something of a necessity for each of us. Financial freedom means