Daily Business Resources for Entrepreneurs, Web Designers, & Creatives by Andy Sowards

​​How to Do Guest Posting

Guest posting is one of the most viable methods for expanding a blogger’s audience, as well as for content marketing. Essentially, it is about writing and publishing an article or post on another blogger’s blog. Ideally, it benefits the poster and the blog that accommodates the guest post. If you are new to this concept, read on to learn the basics of how it is done.

1. Finding a target blog or site for guest posting

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The first step is to look for a blog that matches your niche or something related. The goal here is to have your guest post read by readers who would potentially be interested in what you are offering. You don’t need to find a popular blog or one that ranks high in search engine results. What’s important is that the blog accepts guest posts and that you can work with the rules set for the submission of guest posts.

2. Preparing your guest post

This is not the actual writing of your guest post. In this stage, what you need is to come up with a draft or outline of what you intend to write. You need to present something that is in line with the requirements or guidelines set by the blog or site you want to write a guest post for. You need this so you can send your pitch. You may prepare as many outlines as possible so the prospective recipient blogger can have choices.

3. Sending your pitch

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When you are ready with your outline, you can then send your pitch. Make sure that it is a compelling proposition. Pitches are usually sent via email (through the Contact Us page of the target blog). Explain how the content you want to write will benefit the target site. You can try to flatter the blog/site owner, but make sure it does not appear too obvious.

4. Writing the guest post

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The guest post you write should be high-quality and relevant to the site you are submitting it to. Additionally, ascertain that it can also benefit you. Guest posts are supposed to attract more visitors to your site. As such, it should include a link to your site or product page. It would help if you consult a digital marketing expert like Ocere before you write your guest post. If you have no expert to discuss the development of your content with, you can research how to build high quality backlinks in 2019.

Guest posts published on high-traffic or popular sites are an excellent backlink building strategy. However, it’s not going to be easy to find popular sites willing to accept your content. You need interesting, relevant, and engaging content to improve your success in having your guest post approved for publication. Also, you have to devise a way to insert your link without making it appear distracting, out-of-place, or a hard-sell.

Once your initial guest post is approved, it will not be difficult to submit another one later on. Continue developing more high-quality content for subsequent submissions. It would be a good idea if your guest post is in the form of a series so it would be more convincing for the target blog to accept your succeeding guest posts (sequels).

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