Daily Business Resources for Entrepreneurs, Web Designers, & Creatives by Andy Sowards

Are You Training Dedicated, High-Quality Employees?

It’s pretty common to hear people complain about going to work while others seem to genuinely enjoy their job. While employers would like to think that everyone working for them likes what they do, the truth is they know there will always be some that are unhappy.

Something you can do as an employer (if you don’t already) is work with your Human Resources team to identify aspects of your work and office culture that could be driving employees to leave your business for other opportunities. This can include things like mid-year reviews, employee surveys, or utilizing internal organizations meant to boost workplace unity and productivity.

Here are some tips on how to train dedicated, high-quality employees:

By following these tips, you can create a workplace where employees are motivated to do their best and are committed to the success of your company.

Here are some additional tips to guide your business growth:

By following these tips, you can create a workplace where employees are engaged, motivated, and productive. And while you’re following up on those specifics about your unique business–because everyone has their own flow, workstyle, and atmosphere–it’s also a good idea to take a look at some foundational pieces behind the scenes. When it comes to retaining good employees, here are a few key things that will always make a difference:

Expectations and Processes

What employers really want? Workers they don’t have to train

Are your procedures and policies clear and easy to follow and understand? If not, this could be affecting the ability of new employees to get on board with your business vision, not to mention retaining those employees for a significantly longer measure of time.

Set your employees up for success by keeping updated records on everything about your business, from financial services and design to client interactions and data management. Businesses these days cover quite a bit of ground, and with a well-rounded organization comes the need to keep things consistent.

When your employees have received a great introduction to their position, they will not only be set up to start fulfilling tasks independently, but they will also be able to identify where to go for more information on processes that they aren’t as familiar with. Giving employees a clear set of expectations about their time, workload, and teamwork can also set everyone up to meet their goals and yours.

Visible and Helpful Supervisors

How involved are your supervisory roles? In a growing organization, it can be easy for managers to spend all day out of sight and mind working on the big picture; however, this can also lead to a disconnect between your leaders and those doing the detailed work day in and day out.

There’s a reason it takes experience and training for people to take on supervisory roles; make sure you are entrusting the care of your employees to leaders who are approachable, spending time in the trenches so they understand and can work alongside the individuals they lead, and able to answer questions and improve the work experience.

This can be especially important for those involved in high-stress projects and situations, like healthcare and construction, or those dealing daily with detailed but repetitive work, like data entry or manufacturing related to product assembly and injection molding. Take a look at this description provided by Development Workshop on the attention put into these types of roles, and you’ll begin to see that leaders who your staff can connect with will go a long way in building the loyalty of your employees.

Routine Training

Developing Your Employees Is The Key To Retention — Here Are 4 Smart Ways To Start

How long has it been since your most seasoned employees have had a refresher on the work they do? Having recurring training with your employees is a great way to promote high-quality work, make subtle corrections to parts of the process that may be straying, and provide a platform for your employees to learn and ask questions.

Training may seem like it’s all about you giving to the worker, but in reality, you’re preparing them to give back to you. Everyone needs attention once in a while, and purposeful trainings and meetings are a great way to reinforce with your employees that you are aware of what they do, that you support them, and that you approve of their work. You can partner with business skills training company to save management time and to guarantee successful learning.

Growth and Interest in the Field

Are your employees genuinely excited about and interested in your products and services? Truth be told, there are universal skillsets that people use to be successful every day across several career fields. But just because that skill set fits in numerous fields doesn’t mean that the people who possess them are as thrilled about the focus of their work.

It’s important to spend time engaging with your employees in a way that allows them to learn about your business, its products, and services, then go a step further. If you recognize the interests of certain staff leaning into expertise that could support your other departments, give them the opportunity to interact with those departments.

Being an employer is often a juggling show where you rearrange and balance the skills and interests of your employees in a way that helps them to grow, feel purposeful, and move your vision forward all at once. Just like you were once excited about simply starting your business, your employees have just stepped onto a path that you can open up to them.

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