Daily Business Resources for Entrepreneurs, Web Designers, & Creatives by Andy Sowards

Why Your Office Should Switch to Green Cleaning in 2020

The current pandemic has made the world cleaning crazy, hands are washed more than normal and everything – including groceries, are being disinfected. We’ve all witnessed how quickly a winter bug can spread around our offices and with Covid-19 attacking us even more quickly, it is more important than ever to maintain a clean work environment for all staff and visitors.

Hiring commercial cleaning companies is a safe bet to ensure standards are maintained, proper products are used and health and safety practices are adhered to. Office cleaning London services are feeling the pressure as workplaces slowly begin to reopen and professional cleaners are getting ready to battle the frontline.

How Big Businesses Get a ‘Deep Clean’

Those who are now searching for new office cleaning contracts are putting the eradication of any infection at the forefront of their queries. While reducing infection is, of course, a crucial element for returning and continuing work, there should be other factors on your mind.

Our obligation to our environment has not changed and we need to continue to commit ourselves and our businesses to make changes and help spread awareness. While there is still research being done into if green cleaning products can safely remove the virus from surfaces, we can still make other changes that reduce our negative impact on the planet while still keeping safe.

But exactly what are the benefits of green cleaning aside from the obvious environmental benefits? If you are looking for reasons to change or a good argument for convincing your office to make the switch, read on for why your office should switch to green cleaning in 2020.

Green Cleaning Can Reduce Costs

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Simple ways to keep the germs at bay everyday. 

Whether you are an eco-warrior or have never recycled an item in your life, there’s one thing we all love and that is saving money and reducing costs.

Green cleaning products aren’t just about liquids and sprays, it encompasses everything used in the cleaning process. Offices can spend thousands on disposable wipes, clothes and hand towels.

By purchasing reusable, washable items, not only does this reduce waste and carbon emissions from manufacturing, it is simply a one-off cost that can last years.

Consumable goods, such as surface sprays and window cleaners, are used at high volumes and can be costly. Green cleaning products are often sold in bulk, to be used in refillable bottles. 

Waste is reduced and expenditure is lowered as suppliers can manufacture them at a lower cost due to the lack of industrial packaging.

Employee Health and Wellbeing

How to keep your workplace clean — and yourself healthy — during the novel coronavirus outbreak

Chemical cleaners will linger in our air, no matter how well cleaners remove them during their work. Air pollution in offices can cause long-term health problems and in the short-term, can increase stress and impact productivity due to lack of clean air.

Reports have shown that employees working in green office spaces see on average a 26% rise in cognitive function and are able to think more creatively to problem-solving.

You also won’t have that nasty chemical smell or fumes lingering in the air, some people can be sensitive to this and it can cause headaches and nausea.

If any employees suffer from asthma or any breathing-related condition, monoethanolamine, a common ingredient in laundry detergents and other chemicals cleaners, can cause great harm. The health and safety of employees are paramount and it is a workplace fear that must not be neglected.

This chemical causes inflammation and if it gets into the lungs, can be dangerous and even fatal to those who are vulnerable. This is why it has been banned in many schools across the country but there is yet to be any monitoring of it within the working world.

Positive PR

It’s no secret that being eco-conscious is a huge trend at the moment and hopefully one that is here to stay.

While you could be spending a fortune on PR campaigns and creating social media posts to help promote your brand, having an eco-friendly angle can boost the appearance of any business.

By making a change to green cleaning, or any green practices and making the public aware of this can bring a positive view from the public to your brand. 

This is especially good if your target audience is younger and social-media savvy. Using hashtags to promote your new eco-awareness can cause new clients and customers to be drawn to you over similar brands who have not made the change.

Green Cleaning Is Just As Effective

‘No One Mentions the People Who Clean It Up’: What It’s Like to Clean Professionally During the COVID-19 Outbreak

Natural ingredients, such as vinegar, have been proven to kill the common cold and flu virus. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need harsh chemicals to eradicate this. 

As previously mentioned, there is still research being done into Covid-19 and green cleaning products so if you have a suspected case in your office, it is best to stick with products that have been proven to kill the virus.

However, for all other elements of cleaning, green cleaning products are just as effective, without the nasty side effects.

It’s true that a little more of the products teamed with some extra elbow grease is required. If you have hired an eco-friendly cleaning team, they will be aware of this and know exactly what needs to be done.

Green cleaning products are often odourless, great for removing toxic smells from chemical cleaners but not so great for covering up smells. The great news is, you can add a few drops of any essential oils to any green cleaning product and can tailor make a scent for your workspace.

Overall, there really is little excuse to make the change, it saves costs, makes employees happier and projects a positive image on your business. Next time you are looking for a cleaner, take the time to research into the products they use and you’ll be surprised at the difference it makes in your office. 

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