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5 Tips to Fight Content Marketing Fatigue

Analytic reports help you evaluate how entertaining and informative content is devoured promptly by readers. Also audiences are updated like never before, and hence to lure their attention and be commended for your work, you need to produce that exquisite piece every time you hold your pen.

All of this coerces a lot of pressure on the content writers. This is a perpetual challenge faced by them – to come up with a ground-breaking idea every single day that sets them off from the contemporary writers and writing styles.
But there are days when words flow like a stream naturally and then there are also those days when you are stuck in the rut, lacking apt words to scribble your thoughts.

To all those content writers here I am rationing out 5 tips from my personal experience to drive off the fatigue from your lives.

1. Never skive off from documenting ideas

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Whether it’s a broken sentence formed by keywords or askew thoughts. Write down your ideas – trust they are preferable over blank page. If it’s documented it survives the chance of being shared with others. Ideas are flighty; they come and go with a snap of a finger, unless they are recorded they will never make up to a post. The writing process witnesses draft chronologies wherein the first draft precedes the second and second precedes the third until the last one. The first draft is a raw form which undergoes varnishing to produce a shareable piece of content. Expecting elegant first drafts is like expecting your toddler to sing like Taylor Swift.

No matter from where you start reaching up the destination weighs, i.e. at the end it is not the process that counts but the product.

2. Take a break from regular patterns

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Idea repetition is very likely when similar topics afloat the web. Touch the subject in a unique way as far as possible. While reading a post most readers just skim through keywords, finding the same set of words in one post; they flock to another blog in no time. And to make them stay and read your content it needs to possess substance that connects to the core with every reader. Content though inspired by some person or work, but if treated with a fresh novel approach can pique reader taste buds.

Peek into that magazine you had never bothered a glance earlier; you may encounter some new tone to present your content. Use anything from long forgotten quotes to incidents happening in routine life; remember, the more mundane is your illustration the more effortlessly it relates to your subjects.

Mind that you are here to foster loyal readership, direct the entire focus to what your readers prefer perusing through, the topics and writing styles.

A professional write-up has to live up to basic guidelines; still you can always transgress writing norms of the day to create a unique experience. A distinct narration can morph a banal idea into a delectable article.

3. Don’t inspire from any one person’s work

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This will give an impression of copying. Because when we influence from someone else’s work we subconsciously replicate his thought process into ours shrinking the exclusivity quotient. Moreover a renowned author might not always publish head turning material, everyone has a bad day. And neither do naïvetés always deliver run of the mill research. It’s okay to worship your content writing Gods, but be flexible to accommodate your individual ideas into the matter. Impregnate your own unique element into the craft. Amalgamate different ideas to churn out a delicious recipe. If there is a need to prioritize points, let practical precedence overtake the trends.

4. Allow mundane routine examples a place in your content

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Write consumable stuff. Those who read and absorb your content are humans, and will readily read a relatable story, regardless of the corner of the world it belongs. A dessert that you fancy might also be attractive to your audience. Associating an experience at the squash club to your subject of concern can be easily comprehended by regular club goers. A regular partier may immediately connect to your narration of a gaffe you committed at a social event. You can also mix in different content types to produce a different blend every time. Images of popular cartoons can be used to say something in a humorous way. A video, an infographic or citing research and survey accounts increases the authenticity of your post.

5. Be confident on what you write or write only when you are confident

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People get transfixed to their television sets watching Game of Thrones series, to produce a similar effect you need to imbue great conviction in your work. A reader’s perception of the content will not hugely vary from your perception of it. However, it doesn’t imply to adopt a narcissist strategy turning a blind eye to your faults, but it simply means that unless you convince your own self you will fail to convince others.

We believe every content piece has a soul, if projected well, it appeals to the soul of the person reading it. And it does not require any chisel and hammer to bring out the essence of your prose. Simply a discrete handling of the subject will fit the bill.

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