Daily Business Resources for Entrepreneurs, Web Designers, & Creatives by Andy Sowards

5 Effective Channels to Market a New Product or Service

We live in completely new times, where launching a product or a service isn’t quite as simple as it was only a few years ago. It was once a matter of starting a business that had something to offer and then hiring the best PR agency within your budget. They would then use their experiences to take on all the burdens and responsibilities. There would be a press release, and a press tour, and a launch date, and loads of other things, all of which would become a habit because they rarely deviated away from these trends.

But that is no longer the case. The landscape has been completely altered. There are no longer that many major outlets; instead there are a thousand less known channels in which you can go down to get your product or service noticed. There are tons of different ways to market your business. But that in itself poses a bit of a problem.

There is just more white noise to contend, and it is much harder to stay relevant and remembered because newer news fills your space before people have even had a chance to read about you. As such, you need to know what the most effective ways of marketing your product or service are. So read on and enjoy.

Stand Tall At The Top Of Google

Top Ranking: Searching For The Right SEO Techniques

There is only one way to do this and that is to improve your SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). This should always be your bread and butter when it comes to deciding on what marketing channels to use and that is because almost everyone relies on Google when it comes to learning more about anything. As Lee Odden, an expert on the subject explained rather well; you should try to think about your marketing channels as a sandwich and SEO as the mayo. That is because it touches nearly everything and massively improves and enhances the flavor on the sandwich. The other thing you should take away from that is that Mayo isn’t great on its own.

Get Bloggers And Influencers On Board

Why Blog? The Benefits of Blogging for Business and Marketing

If you have done any research on modern marketing techniques, then chances are you have come across the term influencers. In essence, they are online personalities that tend to have a rather large following in particular facets of life or business. They have been proved to give your marketing strategy a huge boost when it comes to exposure and testimony. As such, there are services that exist to reach out to blog owners for you like this one by FatJoe. There are also other companies like Group High who offer databases of bloggers so you can manually contact them yourself one by one. This is still a relatively new means of marketing, but the results are incredible.

Get The Competitive Edge

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Competition for visibility and longevity on search engines has never been more fierce, and that is because there has never been so much noise on the internet. As such, there has never been more reason to maximize your efforts and stake your claim online. As such, you should seriously consider using a pay-per-click strategy alongside your SEO to grab that prime real estate on the results pages of every search engine, whether that be Google, Yahoo, Bing or whatever. The organic side of marketing is all good and well, but the paid efforts can maximize your exposure to a whole new level.

Social Media Matter

10 top social media marketing success stories

It is almost impossible to market something – whether a service or a product – without harnessing the immense power of social media. It is just how people look for things. It is where they go to see what a brand is about and to get the latest news and updates. As such, it is vital you incorporate social media into your marketing strategies and learning how you can leverage this facet of marketing to massively widen your audience and elevate your customer base in an almost unrivaled way. So think about what you are offering and then decide which of the many social media platforms would best suit you. If you have a professional service then harness LinkedIn and Facebook. If you are offering a visual product, then it will suit you more to go on Instagram and Pinterest.

Moving Pictures Are The Future

8 Powerful Reasons You Need to Use Video Marketing

People no longer have the time or patience for words in marketing, not really anyway. As such, the power of video is now taking over the realm of marketing; short and succinct videos. Just look at the iPhone 7 ‘Don’t Blink’ advert, which was the talk of every town in every sector. It was an absolute masterclass in how to use video marketing. It was everywhere, from news reports to Twitter, and it has caught on. Facebook’s most successful page is Tasty, which is Buzzfeed’s food outlet, and one that specializes in 60-second recipe videos. So make sure strategy incorporates this modern take, something that can be watched, liked and shared.

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