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3 Exercise Bike Workout Tips for Beginners

Just brought fitness equipment on rent to your home but wondering what to do with it? This happens with every beginner who starts fresh with exercise bikes. So you aren’t alone. Getting in shape in less time is only possible when you know how to use stationary bikes to their optimum potential. Knowing about the workouts that you could perform using this fitness equipment gives you the right head-start to meet your fitness goals. Let’s start with these basics:

Tip number one: Start slowly. Don’t try to do too much too soon, or you’ll just end up getting discouraged and quitting. Start with a short workout, like 10 minutes, and gradually increase the duration as you get stronger.

Tip number two: Warm up before you start. This will help to prevent injuries. Just do some light cardio, like jumping jacks or marching in place, for a few minutes before you get on the bike.

Tip number three: Cool down afterwards. This will help your body to recover from the workout. Just pedal slowly for a few minutes after you’re done.

And most importantly, have fun! Exercise should be enjoyable, so don’t take it too seriously. Just get out there and sweat it up!

So if you are wondering where to start, here are some of the workout tips for beginners that you could perform on exercise bikes:

1. Perform Cardio Intervals

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For beginners, interval training is the best workout to quickly build stamina and shed extra pounds of weight. You could begin with the low-intensity workout on the exercise bike and gradually move your way up to high-intensity workouts. You will see a major boost in your confidence levels and weight loss exceeding your expectations if you put your sincere efforts into it.

To begin with a low-intensity cardio interval workout, start pedaling your exercise bike at a slow pace to warm up your muscles. Then, immediately switch to a 20-second sprint, pedal as fast as you can and then rest for the next 10 seconds. Repeat this cycle for 8-10 times for a better cardio workout.

2. Build Your Muscles

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The exercise bikes aren’t just for cardio workouts but they could be effectively used to build muscles. Got surprised? Well, it’s true and beginners could make the most out of it. It’s all about increasing the resistance of your bike that gives you a feeling of climbing uphill. It’s an intensive workout that exerts a lot of pressure on your calf muscles, eventually strengthening their core.

You can top-up the workout with lightweight dumbbells that you could use to perform bicep curls simultaneously while pedaling on the machine. It works great to build your lower body muscles, triceps and arms muscles.

3. Use Drills to Stay Fit

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At times, you might get bored out of usual pedaling. It’s when you should mix it up with drills to make your routine workout even more interesting. The best part is that these drills could be complemented with resistance training to get your maximum calorie-burn from the workouts on the exercise bike. Begin pedaling your stationary bike on the lowest gear, then after 5 minutes switch to a higher gear and switch to another higher gear after every 5 minutes until you reach the top gear.

As soon as you make a reach to the top gear, start coming down to the lowest gear spending 5 minutes on each gear. It acts like interval training and builds your stamina while cooling your muscles down as you reach to the lowest gear.

The Key Takeaway

The exercise bikes aren’t just for pedaling but you could perform a long list of workouts on them that build your muscle strength too. Choosing an exercise bike on rent is the best thing that you could do as a beginner because there is a long list of exercises you could perform using this machine at your home. Why would one go to the gym when the stationary bikes give you the intensive workout you need to stay fit? Some of the workouts have been mentioned here for beginners to help them make the most out of their exercise bikes.

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