Daily Business Resources for Entrepreneurs, Web Designers, & Creatives by Andy Sowards

How Question Based Keywords Can Improve SEO

Search engine optimization or SEO doesn’t merely involve using random keywords that capture the attention of online users when it comes to searching on search engines like Google. In the past, Google’s algorithms rely on anchor texts and backlinks to increase ranking, so an unscrupulous SEO tactic is to stuff keywords. 

However, SEO changes and question based keywords are proven to help online users achieve a smoother search to find relevant answers to questions. Of course, site owners also benefit from such SEO tactics to improve ranking, so continue reading below to find out more. 

Make Your Content Compatible with Google’s Answer Box

The “Answer Box” of Google that is a featured snippet aims to answer the questions that online users are asking. It is found on the first page of Google’s search results. This is why it’s crucial to add question based keywords so that when Google captures or crawls your content, the search engine will find it helpful and relevant to users, and will reward you by increasing your ranking. 

Here are the SEO benefits of answering questions: 

Improve Your Site Traffic Using Long-Tail Keywords in Question Form

One good SEO tip is to use the Keyword Planner of Google to do keyword research for long-tail keywords and question keywords that can provide a good amount of search traffic. It will give you useful insights about what people are usually searching or asking about in relation to the products and services you’re offering. 

Here are the other methods in which you can incorporate long-tail keywords and question based keywords on your website:


Increase Your Site and Brand Exposure Through Featured Snippets

A featured snippet is also called “position zero,” which is a neat looking panel viewed in search results that answers the questions a user searched for. The search result is on top of other results, which is highlighted and has its panel. 

Featured snippets stand out and sit above the rest, hence the term position zero. That is why featured snippets are more likely to be clicked as compared to other results, thus helping with your SEO and ranking.

Here are the types of featured snippets available today: 


If you want to stand out from the rest and make your SEO campaigns more competitive, it’s high time to optimize your web content for long-tail keywords and question based keywords. By doing so, you can also provide great value to your potential and current customers by answering tough questions. Also, you win over valuable featured snippets so you can generate more traffic and quality leads for your business.  

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