Daily Business Resources for Entrepreneurs, Web Designers, & Creatives by Andy Sowards

How To Find The Best Employees For Your Business

Whether it’s the time of year, the weather, the economy or the industry you’re in, sometimes it is just hard to find the right people to come and work for you. Other times you will put up a job ad and be spoilt for choice with perfect, highly skilled candidates and even the driving record of the applicant is exemplary, yet other times you will find there’s no one even remotely suitable for the position. So, what do you do? Hire someone you know isn’t quite right and hope that you can mould them to be the person you want them to be, or hang on in there and seek out the right person for yourself? Even poach them if you have to. Before you do that, though, there are some tactics you might want to try to increase your candidate pool.  

Sell your company culture

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Don’t just advertise your vacancies, advertise the lifestyle you have to offer, the company culture, the other people who work for you and the fun things you do together, the flexibility you have to offer and any other benefits you offer from working for your company. This doesn’t all need to be in the job advertisement that you post online but make sure this kind of information is accessible on your website or your social media pages so that when a prospective candidate comes along, they can find out easily that yours is a company they want to work for. 

Get your employees to promote your company

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Ask your happy employees to tell others how good your company is; they can do this when they are networking at relevant events and likely to be meeting quality candidates or speaking to any friends in the same industry. Even offer them an incentive if they recommend someone who they end up hiring. Your employees are your best, and free resources so get them to help advertise your openings but also get them to write reviews on Google or Glassdoor so that people can find them when researching your company. 

Use social media

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Knowing Your Team Is Half the Battle: 7 Main Differences Between Millenials and Generation Z
As mentioned before, use your company’s social media channels to show your company’s personality, but you can also use it to connect with job boards and pages. 

Get Creative

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Rather than the boring job ad which everyone else is posting, use infographics, gifs, videos to make your company and your listing stand out. Use it to show your company’s best qualities in a unique way. A good job posting will catch people’s eyes so, make sure yours stands out while they’re scrolling through the rest. 

Make your listing interesting

Find Your Team

As well as the company culture, it’s also good to let job seekers know what they’ll be doing and how great the job can be for them. Make it as interesting as possible and make your job stand out from the others. 

Keep In Touch

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Regardless of how your applicants find you, show your appreciation by maintaining clear, constant communication from the moment they make contact with you. Quite often, applicants who aren’t quite up to scratch for a particular position now end up being the perfect candidate for another role in the future. Make sure that you treat them as such as, you’ll be thanking yourself later on.

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