Daily Business Resources for Entrepreneurs, Web Designers, & Creatives by Andy Sowards

6 Digital Transformation Tips To Support Your Business

Technology can help businesses to respond to changes in the industry, provide more value for the customer, and strengthen their position in the market.

1 . Modernize your IT infrastructure

4 Mistakes to Avoid While Scaling Up Your Infrastructure

To streamline your operations and your customer experience, it’s vital to modernize your IT infrastructure. There are several ways that you can seek to do this including:

Modernizing your IT infrastructure has many benefits for both the business and the customers who use the service.

2. Provide digital and virtual services

The Covid-19 pandemic has sped up digital transformation across all industries. In discussion of this topic, McKinsey reported that ‘recent data shows that we have vaulted five years forward in consumer and business digital adoption in a matter of around eight weeks.’ Many different types of businesses have needed to work remotely while ensuring that the bulk of their products and services can be accessed online. Mckinsey data indicated that ‘75 percent of people using digital channels for the first time indicate that they will continue to use them when things return to normal.’

To keep up with these changes, businesses need to ensure that they continue to offer virtual and digital services, in a post-pandemic landscape. Many customers will be looking forward to in-person services, though others may prefer online services for the sake of convenience.

3. Improve security

The 5 Best Cybersecurity Tips for Small Businesses for 2021

Embroker recently reported that ‘43% of cyberattacks are aimed at small businesses, but only 14% are prepared to defend themselves.’ To ensure a successful digital transformation strategy businesses need to protect themselves with robust cybersecurity systems. A few options include:

4. The importance of SEO

How Your Business Could Benefit From SEO

To remain competitive in a digital world businesses need to continually focus on their marketing strategies, including SEO, to drive traffic to their website. Businesses can use marketing software to support their SEO strategies and research, or hire a digital marketing professional. As well as focusing on SEO businesses must ensure that they provide engaging high-quality content, to educate their audiences and boost conversions. With the right digital marketing strategies, it’s easier to scale your online business.

5. Automation 

Automation can help businesses to save time, strengthen their processes, and improve customer service. For example, businesses that provide chatbots on their website can enhance the customer experience, boost conversions, and save their employees time. 

According to BackLinko ‘55% of businesses using chatbots have generated a greater volume of high-quality leads.’ Their data also indicated that ‘eCommerce stores adopting Facebook Messenger along with an abandon cart chatbot has started to boost revenue by 7-25%.’

6. Use the right tools

The 7 Best Tools to Digitally Transform Your Business in 2021

With the right software, various important processes can be improved using automation. Focus on CRM software to support your sales and relationships, and project management software to enhance the quality of your projects. For a few ideas to get you started, consider the following:

Depending on the type of industry you operate in, you may need the help of a specialist company, to support your projects. Engineering and telecom companies may well be interested in the services of IMMCO Inc. As technology advances, businesses must adopt the latest solutions, to keep up with their competitors, and meet the needs of the modern customer.

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