Daily Business Resources for Entrepreneurs, Web Designers, & Creatives by Andy Sowards

Why Niche Blogs Are Best

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Niche blogs are blogs that focus on a specific topic or area of interest. This can be anything from cooking to fashion to travel. There are many advantages to creating a niche blog, including a focused audience, expertise, less competition, more profitability, and more fun.

Here are some of the reasons why niche blogs are best:

Overall, niche blogs offer a number of advantages over general blogs. If you are serious about blogging, then I recommend that you focus on a specific niche.

In this article, we will discuss each of these advantages in more detail and explain why niche blogs are the best way to start a successful blogging career. We will focus on the power of finding a niche within blogging, as this one principle can help you stand out from an otherwise generic crowd and gain audience share within an ever competitive online space; meaning you’ll be in a much better position to start making money from your blogging endeavors.


Finding Your Niche: A Guide To Running A Successful Blog

A niche is a focused subset of a particular market group.  If you were to think about pet food, for example, you could niche that down to cat food dog food, even raw pet food – but this is still a very broad market. If, however, you were to look at gourmet dog food this could be considered a niche market.


Why Get Involved with Competitive Affiliate Niches?

In the case of having a blog on a broad topic such as budget travel, you are up against competitors with massive marketing budgets that spend thousands on digital advertising and are in the position to instruct experts to build their website and manage their marketing funnels.

Furthermore, the broad markets are often very crowded with a few dominant leaders that Google naturally pulls up the search rankings.

If you were to think of this from a marketing spend perspective, you are wanting to get the greatest return on investment possible, and in spending money on digital marketing (e.g. Google Adwords) the cost per click for an advert relating to “budget travel” is going to be much higher than “budget solo female travel” because the search term is less competitive.

Similarly, in the commercial world if you were to type in cheap flights there’s a good chance the results will include one of the many mammoth players in the marketplace of searching for cheap flights – however, if you add a niche term to this such as ‘for disabled people’ then you can begin to own that category rather than be overshadowed by a giant.

It also means that the person clicking on that particular advert is likely to be a more relevant customer looking for your particular solution.  Realistically, you don’t want thousands of people clicking on your adverts – you only want qualified prospects – and the more niche focused your marketing is, the better the conversion and the higher return on investment.



It can feel counterintuitive to limit your market, by focusing on one specific group, particularly if you’re offering something that has broad market appeal (e.g. hairdressing).

However, think of specialists within the medical profession.  You have general doctors then you have specialist consultants that focus on a particular niche and charge way much more for their time.  In focusing on a particular niche (e.g. a certain type of cancer) they create massive pull toward their offering to the people that are specifically seeking out a solution to the problem they face.

In doing so, you position yourself as the go-to-expert and align so strongly with that particular audience they are magnetically attracted to your ‘specialist area’ of expertise.  Remember, people have problems and they seek solutions – if you can position your service as offering a more relevant solution than a more broad spectrum competitor, they will choose you.

In marketing, relevancy is everything and one of the best ways to make yourself stand out as a relevant service provider, or a relevant content platform, is to use niche marketing to your advantage.

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