Geek, Lifehacks, Tech

Types of Bias Affecting Your Decision Making

As much as you might like to believe that you are a rational being whose decisions are founded purely on facts and logic, the truth is that most people are


Entrepreneur, Lifehacks, Productivity

7 Best Ways to Motivate Yourself

Getting motivated is difficult, particularly when you’re in a slump or stressing out over one of your many problems. Pushing yourself to pursue your goals – or even get out


Business, Entrepreneur, Lifehacks

What To Do If You Are Involved In A Workplace Accident

From working in an office to a hazardous environment, there is always the risk of being in an accident at work. You can lack protection on the internet and have


Health, Tech, Tips

Technology and Health

Technology is part of everything we do including work zoom calls, gadgets to help us stream music, and voice activated technology that works like having a personal assistant. It does


Career, Lifehacks, Productivity

The Apps You’ll Need If Working from Home Is the New Normal

In a pandemic world, working from home has become the new normal for so many of us. Working from home may have a lot of benefits, but it isn’t without


Entrepreneur, Lifehacks, Tech

Working From Home Your New Normal? Here’s What To Think About [INFOGRAPHIC]

When it comes to working from home, many of us face this new normal on how our jobs look. Some may have become more accustomed to it, whereas others might


Business, Entrepreneur, Productivity

Commonly Overlooked Safety Issues In The Workplace

Some workplace hazards, like working at heights or working with heavy machinery, are well known and are usually covered by the safety procedures of an organisation. There are, however, lots


Business, Career, Lifehacks

What Are Five Ways to Be Productive in a Home Office?

Many people have turned to home offices during the pandemic to keep their business running. There are several benefits you enjoy after you decide to operate your business from home.