Its Saturday! The day where you relax with your family and catch up on some Daily Nerdy Web Development/Design Links!! I want to Thank all of my Friends and Supporters for keeping me in the Top 10 on http://www.retweetrank.com/! Your efforts are much appreciated! Now go check out Todays Daily Nerdy links!
Web Development/Designer Resources, Inspirations and Nerdy Enlightenment!
FRIDAY is here! Today was a little stressfull for me because my host changed my DNS on me! But everything is fixed and we are back to Nerdy Links!! I want
Create a Resource Toolbox from Offline Artistic Elements – Sometimes we need to look to real life things for inspiration!
Really Impressive Portfolio!
Skype on Android!!
Interview with Dion Almaer of Ajaxian!!
Beautiful Typography on these sites!
Online Portfolio Generator
Awesome Oragami Designs!
GREAT tutorial on Integrating 3D Images into Dynamic Scenes, Love those images!
Really Amazing Print Ads! Photoshopped!
NICE! Really like these textures!
Need a Job? Heres a good place to find one!
FRIDAY is here! Today was a little stressfull for me because my host changed my DNS on me! But everything is fixed and we are back to Nerdy Links!! I want
Hottest new video camera at #ces09 is the Vixia
Love Cheat Sheets – This one is pretty informative
Custom Fields make life easier in WP – Here is some explination
CSS Tips for Newbie Developers – MUST KNOW!
What NOT to do, when Designing a Logo
Awesome Typography Stuff!
Clean Tableless Form Foundation
The week is OVER! Friday is here! prepare for some great tips and tricks with some inspiration in the post below! The Nerdy Web Development and Design Links
Logo Trends in 2009!
Alltop – Top Branding News Everything you need to know about Branding (tags: blog advertising world guykawasaki branding web2.0 marketing lists
Tons of Templates, PSD Files and More!
Awesome Law and Medical Logo Designs!
Awesome Fonts! That are FREE!
Awesome Math Design Shirt
Awesome Book Covers and Paper Back Designs!!
WordPress – Make Custom Fields Easy to Use
9 Rules of Logo Design!
Track SEO Rankings w/ Google Analytics! Nice!
Using C# To create a Tiny URL
Awesome World Map of Social Network Popularity!
Best URL Shorteners!
Content Creation = Bling?
Great Place to Learn if you are an Aspiring Web Dev!
Awesome Collection of Workspaces!
Awesome Vector Arrow Icons!
Freaking Awesome Brown Sites!!
Add Design Quotes!!
Nice Retro Text Effect Screencast!
common n00b mistakes!
Freaking AWESOME Light Graffiti!
AWESOME 3D Fractals!!
Nice Grid Generator!
Jacob Cass of JustCreativeDesign.com in Layers Magazine!
Very Interesting Web Design 😀