FRIDAY is here! Today was a little stressfull for me because my host changed my DNS on me! But everything is fixed and we are back to Nerdy Links!! I want to Thank all of my Friends and Supporters for keeping me in the Top 10 on http://www.retweetrank.com/! Your efforts are much appreciated! Now go check out Todays Daily Nerdy links!
Web Development/Designer Resources, Inspirations and Nerdy Enlightenment!
Everything you need to know about Branding
Nice Logos! How Designers Promote and Brand Themselves!
Thoughts on Creativity
Really Creative and clean Logos!
Freaking cool jQuery page Sliding Effect
Best Google Maps Tools and Mashups!!
Beautiful Products that are FREAKING hard to use!!
Cool Screencast with a Potluck of Photoshop Tricks!
Quick, Easy, and Slick Favicon Generator!
EXCELLENT Dreamweaver Extensions! Love it!
Sandy Textures! Nice!!
Retro and Vintage in Moder Web Design! Inspirations!!
Automate your small business with Autoresponders!
They were so big they slowed twitter to a halt!
Are you a Transparent Blogger?
Positive and Negative Experiences with Social Networking Discussed! Nice Resource!
Manage your tasks with Remember the Milk!
Best Of CES!
New Years Business Resolutions!
Another Great Sites of the Week from Abduzeedo!
Get Organized and Systematized – Freelancer Tips
LOL Good Read, People you meet in Freelance Writing Hell
WordPress Theme Design Book review!
Turn Negative into Positive! Nicely done
Future of Web Design – CSS3
Awesomely Inspiring Logos!!
Web Development/Design Nerdy Daily Links For 1/08/2009 – I want to Thank all of my Friends and Supporters for keeping me in the Top 10 on http://www.retweetrank.com/! Your efforts are much appreciated!
Awesome Tips for Icon Creation!!
PSD Slicing!! PSD 2 HTML tutorial
Plan your direction in 2009 with these steps!
LOL how to design a douchebag, interesting watch!
More Twittiquette. 8 Ways to tick off the twitterverse.
Interview with Jacob Class!
Gary Vaynerchuk’s Social Media Crisis Response – Brilliant
Cold Fusion = Waste of Time.
Display Twitter Avatars on your Blog!
Twitter Tutorials, Icons and WP Plugins!!
Great resource for enhancing your Freelancer/Designer Skills!
Cool wordpress plugin that lets you flaunt your stats!
More Icons for you to Drown in!
Great Read! Inspirational! Awesome Business started by Freelancers!
We are 1 step closer to the weekend. Its Thursday! Congrats for battling through the first full week back after vacation! You made it this far, Don’t give
A Good read on Twitter Etiquette!
Web Development/Design Nerdy Daily Links For 1/08/2009 – I want to Thank all of my Friends and Supporters for keeping me in the Top 10 on http://www.retweetrank.com/! Your efforts are much appreciated!
Really Inspirational Photography! Neat Technique!
We are 1 step closer to the weekend. Its Thursday! Congrats for battling through the first full week back after vacation! You made it this far, Don’t give
Oh Snap! XKCD Went there! Steve Jobs Slam
New Twitter Tool! This one actually looks useful!
A Great Look into Modern Web Design and Textures!