Art, Design, Geek, Illustration, Inspiration, Movies, Nerd Fun, Print

50+ Epic Star Wars Art Posters

Star Wars, the motherland of geeks. Generations now have grown up with Star Wars Everything! We have all seen the movies growing up, we played with the toys, and now


Business, Computer Science, Entrepreneur, Geek, Nerd Fun, Programming, , Tech, Tips

How To Outsmart Social Engineering Hackers

Say the word “hacker,” and many people think of some sallow-skinned loner pounding out viral code in his grandmother’s basement. Social charms and computer hacking don’t go together – right?


Art, Design, Geek, Inspiration, Nerd Fun, Tips

How To Design An Appealing Infographic Resume

How To Design An Infographic CV 4 Simple Tools for Creating an Infographic Resume The idea behind an infographic CV is to gather large amounts of information about yourself and


Business, Entrepreneur, Geek, Nerd Fun, Tech

Windows 8 Versus Windows RT – Key Differences & Features

Since the release of Windows 95 there aren’t many differences in the later releases including Windows 7. The changes that came in were mostly cosmetic and adapting to newer versions


Code, Computer Science, Development, Geek, Mobile, Nerd Fun, Programming, Tech, Tips, Tutorials

Android Tips & Hacks To Maximize Your Phone’s Capabilities

Going under-the-hood to maximize your Phone’s Capabilities If you’re a free soul and don’t want to be chained down by pointless limitations, chances are you’d prefer an Android-based phone over


Business, Design, Geek, Nerd Fun, Productivity, Tech, Tips, Web

Top Tech Terms In Plain English For Your Boss

Have you ever approached your boss about hiring a UI person, only to have to spend 45 minutes explaining what UI is and how improving UI can benefit the company?


3D, Art, Design, Geek, Inspiration, Nerd Fun, Tech

70+ Epic Steampunk Art

So Steampunk has been around for a while now, and I started to like it long before I knew it was a “thing”. You know how you see something and


Art, Design, Geek, Illustration, Inspiration, Nerd Fun, Photography, Print

60+ Epic Science Art

I freaking love Science. There is no secret there. I have always “liked” Science my entire life ever since I was in 3rd grade learning about the few planets we