Business, Entrepreneur, Startup

First-Time Business Owners Need To Be Wary Of These Tricky Things

First-time business owners are at a disadvantage to everyone else out there. They’ve never run a company before, and there are certain things you won’t know about until you have


Business, Entrepreneur, Startup

Business Startup Tips To Make Your Business Succeed

If you are thinking of starting up a small business, then there are many decisions to make. You might be worried about losing money, and then you might have concerns


Business, Entrepreneur, Startup

Trials And Tribulations Every New Business Owner Faces In Year One

A lot of people make the assumption that it’s easy to open a new business. After all, everyone seems to be doing it these days. You don’t need experience, you


Business, Entrepreneur

Take A Look In The Mirror: Important Questions Every Business Should Ask Itself

There are plenty of reasons that business can fail. Refusing to embrace new technologies or business methods; poor treatment of employees, the list goes on and on. But no matter


Business, Entrepreneur, Mobile

Mobile Business: Run Your Business on the Go

We live in an age when a business can be run on a five inch mobile phone. An age when you no longer need to have a large room, a


Business, Entrepreneur, Travel

Doing Business Globally: Some Hard Won Advice From Those That Did It

Going global is one of the most challenging things that a business can do, and it’s why we so rarely see it happen in practice. International companies have to contend



Impressing Customers Can Be Easier Than You Think

As a business owner, you should be aware of the overbearing importance of impressing your customers. Really, this is something which your business needs to get right if it is


Business, Development, Geek

Create An Effective DIY Website

If you’re just starting out in business and aren’t yet making money, then it probably isn’t the best idea to drop thousands on a fancy website – not at the