Camping is one of the most popular recreational activities for the American people. People look for ways to relax and spend the holiday season surrounded by nature. Finding a suitable place for a camping trip takes a lot of planning and requires campers to be well-organized when they are out in the mountains or on the beach. They should take all the necessary steps while selecting the location, buying the equipment they want to pack, and planning other things related to their trip.
Apart from everything you carry to the campsite, you should also install some essential apps on your smartphone to add more convenience and safety while you are on your adventure trip. There are some iOS apps that you can download on your iPhone or other iOS devices and get familiar with the resort.
You can use different apps to share your location with your friends and family and look for recommendations about your campsite and the activities you can enjoy there. For now, let’s have a look at a few apps that you can install on your iOS devices and have a safe and convenient camping experience.
The Dyrt

The app can help you find and book the campsite that is perfect for you. You can also list your property as a camping ground and earn commission-free bookings. Dyrt has an active community of millions of registered members and has thousands of campgrounds for trailers, RVs, cabins, etc.
Another unique feature of the app is that you can plan the perfect trip and reserve campsites according to your preference. This means that you can stay near a lake, hiking trails, etc. without paying too much.
To look for your favorite camping spot, you can filter out campgrounds according to distance, ratings, campground type, etc. The booking process for glamping and camping trip is very easy too if you are using Dyrt. Use WOW WiFi Internet to search for the resort that suits you and book the one that fits your needs.
App Store Rating: 4.8

This is one of the best apps that makes your camping experience in America more convenient. You can get on-the-go solutions to select your favorite camping destination from thousands of options. The app allows users to rebook the spot where they camped before or look for a new one as well.
You can book and search for different activities and experiences, review details related to your destination, and access all the information without any hassle. You can use interactive maps and get a wide range of search results.
The app can let you have a look at different personalized recommendations depending on the price, site type, amenities, etc. The app lets you use a unique payment method for the selected campsites and activities you want to avail of on the spot using a QR code. So, book your weekend getaway, a cross-country trip, or outdoor adventures using
App Store Rating: 4.9
RA Camping

You can look for your future camping trip using ReserveAmerica’s app and search for campsites, yurts, RV sites, etc. across America. You can look at different options based on the location, amenities, dates, etc. and save your search settings and get results efficiently. The best feature offered by ReserveAmerica is that you can make reservations using the App or on-call. Besides this, there is the 3D Touch feature that can provide you with an overview of the site and get search results on the map.
App Store Rating: 4.8

The app makes looking for outdoor experiences hassle-free so that you can relax and select from one of the largest networks of private campsites. You can use the best, fully-equipped, and individual campsites located near natural beauty without making too much effort. All you need to do is pack your pillows and the necessary equipment needed to enjoy your time in the mountains alone or with your family.
App Store Rating: 2.9
Hipcamp: Camping, RVs & Cabins

The app is the largest provider of outdoor activities and stays. You can connect to a large community of people who want to list, book, and discover some unique getaways. You can select from activities like RV stays, camping in treehouses, campsite adventures, glamping, etc. One of the unique features offered by Hipcamp is that it lets people who care about nature connect and work together to show their support.
Apart from that, you can find and select your campsite and spend some time away from the noise and fatigue of routine life. You can enjoy different activities including horseback riding, goat yoga, bike rentals, etc. Besides this, you can share camping trip details with your family and friends and plan your next trip with them.
App Store Rating: 4.8
In the end, one can say that there are so many apps that you can use to book your camping and adventure trips and make them hassle-free and fun. You can also look for a suitable campsite according to your preferences and enjoy your time surrounded by nature.