3D, architecture, Art, Design, Geek, Illustration, Inspiration, Photography, Tech

60+ Epic Futuristic Design

So you know how much we like Technology and Design around here. Well you also know that one of our favorite ways of exploring and thinking about this, is by


3D, architecture, Art, Design, Geek, Inspiration, Nerd Fun, Tech

125+ Unbelievable Futuristic Design Concepts That Inspire Creativity

So I’ve always had an interest in Products in general since I was a child. It helped drive my passion for design into my adult life and into my career.


Nerdy Daily Web Development and Design Links

Web Development Nerdy Daily Links For 2/24/2009 – Inspirational Workspaces Edition!

The week is progressing Nicely! Its TUESDAY so at least it isn’t Monday ;). Today I rounded up some inspirational workplace posts to inspire you to pimp out your workspace!


Nerdy Daily Web Development and Design Links

AndySowards.com :: Web Development Nerdy Daily Links For 10/08/2008

Sorry for the delay in daily links! I’ll have to change this to bi-weekly links if I suck any more this week haha. Thanks for hanging in there, so due