Business, Tech, Web

A World With Zero Latency

In a digital age, we expect to access information whenever we need it and quickly. This is especially important for businesses who aim to provide the best possible services for


Tech, Tips

Important Areas to Consider When Setting Up a RAID Storage

In recent years RAID drives have become much more widely-used, due to the numerous benefits they provide in terms of storage redundancy, performance and reliability. Nowadays it is easier than


Business, Design, Mobile, SEO, Tips

7 Steps to Improving Your Google Ranking

Sometimes, when you start a business, you aren’t really aware of what it takes to sustain it. One of those things is website maintenance. Novices believe that they can build


Business, Wordpress

What Site Owners Should Be Asking About CDNs

There are certain things in life with names so seemingly simple it feels as though we ought to automatically know exactly what they are, what they do and why they’re


Business, Entrepreneur, Startup

Worried Your Business Is Dying A Slow Death? Here’s How You Stop It

You might have heard of the ‘death by a thousand cuts’ before. It’s a pretty gruesome torture and execution technique. It’s also the way that a lot of businesses tend



Is Your Marketing Department Operating At Peak Performance?

If you’re a business owner or a CMO, then it’s essential that you’re running a department that’s in-step with the ever-changing standards of modern marketing. While the marketing department takes


Apache, Apps, Code, Development, Entrepreneur, Freelance, Javascript, Productivity, Programming, Startup, Tech, Tips, Web

Performance Optimization Tools Can Lift You Up

Whenever you develop a certain app, you test for its functionality and whether it handles all the exceptions very well. The most important thing is the performance which determines the


Apps, Business, Code, Design, Development, Freelance, Productivity, Programming, Tech, Tips, Web, Wordpress

Killer Drag and Drop Editors to Expedite the Design Process

The drag and drop editor is somewhat of a new trend, but as many designers, wordpress developers and newbie webmasters are finding out, many of them are not as great