Happy New Year! Its a new year so its time to learn some new things! So keep the Nerdy Motivation and Inspiration up! This is the 100th Nerdy Links post and I want to Thank all of my Friends and Supporters for making 2008 a success! Now go check out those links!
Web Developer/Designer Resources, Inspiration and Awesomeness!
Using FTP with PHP! Nice!
Nice collection of dark inspirations!
Awesome free Floral Brush pack!
Awesome best of the web for December 08 Roundup!
Nice Italian photo textures!
Mac Apps that will save your life.
Happy New Years Eve! I wish everyone to have a great 2009! This past year has been amazing for me, and I will soon post about all of the achievements from
Good reference for getting started with creating jQuery Functions/Plugins
Using jQuery with Checkboxes
Twitter Background Gallery! Vote for mine! 🙂
Tiny things every business owner should do!
Awesome CSS Resources to Master CSS with!
CSS Tips for Beginners!
Find work with the social web! Free eBook!
Great Footer Designs!
Win $3000 for a Killer Theme!
Really Nice Typography based designs!
RT Monsters, Calvin is #2! Well Deserved!!
Power your Community with these blogging secrets!
Happy New Years Eve! I wish everyone to have a great 2009! This past year has been amazing for me, and I will soon post about all of the achievements from
Amazing! CSS Watermark Effect on Images
Not enough!
Best stuff at ProBlogger in 2008!
Really awesome poster designs!
Pretty awesome list,
very helpful!