WOW its Friday already? Oh man my day just got way better, because Today I have ANOTHER HUGE DAILY LINKS LIST for you! Get your projects inspired and finished before the weekend with these links! Now Get your Daily Nerdy Web Development/Design Links!!
Web Development/Designer Resources, Inspirations and Entertainment!!
Need more ways to waste time? Here ya go lol
Great list of designers and their reason for loving the creative community!
Awesome stuff from WonderCon 08
Save money with Googles Tip Jar!
Stunning PC Cases – Inspirational
Awesome Brushes!!!! very nice – Light and glows rock
Look at all the different paths to creativeness
Great premium vectors!!
Good read for getting the featured post section in WP to work! 🙂
Great vector tutorials for Photoshop
Get Satisfaction is rocking
Great look at the facebook fan pages with @garyvee
Great list of the top 100 sites for web standards
Not enough links here? Try my buddy @minervity 's links! 🙂
nice tips for preventing your PC HD Favor
AWESOME iPhone apps for doing photoshop tricks!
Nice twitter app database! keep track of your tweets
Well? How much?
This is just interesting for the techy inside all of us
Nice tip for the Pixelated brush problem in Photoshop
Great list of DIgg tools
Awesome PSD Resources for FREE!
AWESOME list of icons, more icons!!
Awesome books for design inspiration! Get some!
Awesome guidelines for awesome sites
Nice features for facebooks new look
Great sites for photo fun!
Daft punk OWNS can't wait for the new songs
Cool design site
Great twitter tool
I agree, keep the peace on twitter
Great look at setting freelance rates
Cool MooTools tutorial
Great look at making web 2.0 work!
Awesome tutorial for painting Obama!
Leave Craigslist Alone!!
Interesting developments
Awesome IE6 fixes
Improve your health Simply!
Great way to track your brand on twitter
Quick and useful JS Functions!
Awesome video from DrupalCon
Open source future? BuH??
Interesting ways to use twitter! Nice!
Cool sketches of twitter avatars 🙂
Awesome backgrounds with CSS and Images
Great read for twitter success
Awesome Music Industry Web Designs!!
Great checklist for Usability
SWEET Photoshop Brushes!
Awesome Adobe Air apps for Designers and Developers!
Good read on wordpress widget customization
Great designers to know
Awesome vector Backgrounds
AWESOME place to paste your code for others to see
Awesome LOL
Free Illustration!
Screencast on rounded corners using images and css!
some awesome vectors – strange name haha
Great read – Good guy! Getting things done!
Awesome WordPress Trends and tutorials on implementation!
More Free Business Cards being Given Away!
Color picker explained!
UPrinting and AndySowards.com are teaming up to bring you a great giveaway! You have obviously heard of UPrinting by now, they are a popular online printing
Twitter IS a search engine
Increase your traffic with these awesome plugins!
Great tips to design for Charity
Survey says – Your boring.
Awesome sites that spotlight CSS
Zend Framework Snippets! NICE
Vintage baby!
Awesome roundup with some great 3D Text effects
Best Fonts of all time!!!
Best Thesis Customizations
Great read about security
What more can I say, the list you shared is just amazing. This will take my whole weekend away! Thanks for the quality articles link!
Hey…I must say, great links but I wish i was also there with my last post “Exciting Showcase of Logo Trends 2009”
Do chk, if i can be on your next list 🙁 It feels great to be on your list…thnks!
Huge is right, I think thats the biggest one I have seen you do.