Business, Tips

4 Property Management Services That You Absolutely Need

Property owners have a long to-do list that just never seems to get done. Renting property can be great for your cash flow but is an incredibly involved and busy venture. Many property owners elect to contract property management companies to handle the details, clearing up a lot of time and effort.

Full services property management companies can be your best friend as a property owner. They provide services that will lighten your load, improve your image, and make for a better experience for you and your renters.

Here are four services that you should strongly consider when looking into a property management company.


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There is a reason people who like numbers do so well for themselves. Dealing with rent, fees, and other costs is not a big deal to some, but to others, it is an extreme headache.

Headache or not, money is most likely the reason you started renting your property. It is critical that transactions are clean and correct. Good property management companies will take care of all of those details for you. The even better ones find ways to cut costs. This part should be carefully researched as some companies have a lot of hidden fees and charge a lot for basic services.


Marketing is key for any business to be successful. If you own a giant apartment complex with multiple buildings you probably aren’t going to have the hardest time getting renters, but you might struggle more if you own a single rental duplex or home.

The benefit of having a property management company who markets is that they will use their influence to fill your rental. They want people in these rentals just like you do, that is how they make money. They can advertise openings very effectively, and minimize the time between renters.


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Some landlords are very handy and can fix just about any problem in their rentals. Others are not gifted in that way. It saves money to do the repairs yourself, so many people will at least give it a try.

Property management companies can help in this facet by providing the maintenance that your rental needs. They will fix smaller issues, and will more than likely contract professionals to fix larger issues. The great thing is large property management companies get a discount for large contracts, and those savings are passed on to you.

Apartment Visits

If you own large or multiple properties, this will take a lot of time. It is necessary to get into the apartments and make sure that things are clean and orderly. If there are electrical issues, consider hiring someone to take a look at it, like a Louisville electrician.  While I usually don’t endorse getting other people to do your job for you, this is a situation to do so. It is critical to assess potential damages or violations of the lease.

If you want to save time, this service will be very worth your investment. Property management companies will take over the inspection responsibility, ensuring that your apartments are maintained and clean. They will monitor damages and enforce rules. They even spare you the experience of evicting a tenant if that’s what it comes to. This is an invaluable service for all property owners.

It is very important to know that not all property management companies are created equal. Invest time in researching these companies and find which one gives you the best deal, while providing for the needs of you and your tenants.

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