Advertising, Apps, Business, Design, Marketing, Tech

How People Use Smartphones

History has a funny way of changing things. When the first telephone was installed in the White House in 1879 Rutherford B Hayes said: “It’s a great invention, but who


Advertising, Branding, Business, Design, Development, Entrepreneur, Geek, Inspiration, Tips, Web

Build a Web Presence That Connects With Your Customers 

These days everyone has a web presence, but not every business has a presence that has a good return on investment. Building a website can cost anywhere from $4,000 to


Advertising, Branding, Business, Design, Entrepreneur, Geek, Inspiration, Print, Startup, Tips

Branding Isn’t Just Online

Have you ever noticed how the Apple Store, the company’s commercials, and its website all look and feel identical to one another? Better yet, they seem to sync perfectly with


Advertising, Business, Design, Development, Entrepreneur, Freelance, Inspiration, Marketing, Tech, Tips, Web

How to Design an SEO-Friendly Website

Most companies need organic search traffic to keep their lead pipeline full or e-commerce revenue rolling in. Even if a company is not ready for a full-blown SEO campaign when


Advertising, Art, Branding, Business, Design, Entrepreneur, Inspiration, Marketing, Print, Tips

Getting Your ID Card Design Right

Most firms are very aware of the importance of their brand. They, rightly, put a lot of time, money and effort into getting their branding right. Those firms that get


Advertising, Business, Entrepreneur, Marketing, SEO, Tech, Tips, Tutorials, Web

Five SEO Fallacies That You Should Ignore

If you own a website or you are anyhow connected to the latest happenings and trends on the Internet, then you have probably heard the term Search Engine Optimisation, widely


Advertising, Art, Branding, Design, Illustration, Inspiration, Print

11 Stunning Flyer Designs to Get Your Creative Juices Flowing

Flyers have been around for decades, and they’re still used by hundreds and thousands of businesses around the world on a regular basis. The reason for this is simple: flyers


Advertising, Blogging, Branding, Business, Entrepreneur, Freelance, Geek, Inspiration, Marketing, Tips, Web

5 Tips to Fight Content Marketing Fatigue

Analytic reports help you evaluate how entertaining and informative content is devoured promptly by readers. Also audiences are updated like never before, and hence to lure their attention and be