Games, Geek, Tech

How Multiplayer Games Improve Real Connections

multiplayer games building real human connections

Nowadays, games are more than an entertainment channel for people of all ages. The advent of iGaming gave a new dimension to social interactions and building real connections. As the


Business, Entrepreneur, Productivity

Commonly Overlooked Safety Issues In The Workplace

Some workplace hazards, like working at heights or working with heavy machinery, are well known and are usually covered by the safety procedures of an organisation. There are, however, lots


Business, Marketing

Social Media Is Just Not Worth It

Everyone uses social media these days. Some even use it all day, posting everything they do online in exchange for comments and likes from other social media users. There is


Lifehacks, Tips

Five Health Benefits of Using Legal Cannabis

Cannabis has long been used to treat a variety of different health conditions. Fortunately, cannabis products, including the super-on trend CBD oil, are increasingly popular these days, and they are slowly


Geek, Lifehacks, Tech

Kid Tech Addictions: The Early Warning Signs & How To Prevent It

From smartphones to LCD screens, and all the way to tablets, our kids are enjoying technological privileges that we never thought of when were growing up. But with such privileges,


Blogging, Code, Design, Development, Freelance, Inspiration, Tech

But Where Have All the Clients Gone? How To Get More New Freelance Design & Development Work

If you’re a freelance designer or developer in 2012, you’ll recognise that smell in the air. You know, the one that smells a lot like fear. Whether you’re new to