Lifehacks, Science, Tech

Hot Glass or Cool LEDs? Weighing the Technical Differences in Neon Signs

Neon signs have long been a beloved choice for adding vibrant, eye-catching displays to businesses, homes, and events. Traditionally, these signs have been made from glass tubes filled with neon


Business, Marketing

7 Cool Promotional Products for Your Business

Business doesn’t always need to be formal. In fact, the rise of unicorn startups and booming Silicon Valley tech companies has made business pretty casual. Jeans, t-shirts, sneakers, and even


Design, Inspiration, Photography

90+ Amazing Dubai Pictures – Best Photography from UAE

Ever since I first saw images of Dubai a few years ago, I have been fascinated with the place. It is just one of those places that have a lot


Nerdy Daily Web Development and Design Links

#WDNDL For 10/21/2009 – UNIX, Advanced Javascript, & PS Tutorials!

Basic UNIX commands Great for UNIX Newbies, or anyone new to the command line or SSH in general – cheat sheat sorta 🙂 (tags: unix commands reference linux howto programming