Business, Entrepreneur

Genius Employee Wellness Ideas (That Will Benefit Your Business Too)

Anyone that has a sound grasp of business practices will know that for your company to succeed your employees need to be happy and healthy. The good news is there


Geek, Health, Lifehacks

How To Use a Water Test Kit To Test for Lead and Other Contaminants

If you suspect that your drinking water may be contaminated with lead or other harmful contaminants, you can use a water analysis kit to check for contamination levels. In this


Finance, Health, Lifehacks

How To Plan for Long-Term Medical Care

If you have a serious medical condition, it’s important to have a plan for long-term care. This includes knowing what treatments and services you may need, and where you will


Business, Health, Lifehacks

5 Reasons Medical Health Insurance Is a Crucial Investment

Getting medical health insurance is a necessity for you and your family. A good health insurance plan is like a best friend that protects you while a financial crisis occurs


Health, Lifehacks, Tips

Four Things You Need to Do When Buying Life Insurance Online

Life is a journey and regardless of where you’re at, having proper life insurance is important. Even those in their early twenties need appropriate coverage. But when it comes to


Apps, Geek, Tech

9 Apps That Prove That the Future Is Already Here

Apps seem to have been invented for every step we take: waking up, eating, having fun, getting to know each other, and exercising. Every year, apps are getting smarter and


Health, Tech, Tips

How Technology Experts Can Stay Healthy

Those of us who work with technology for a living often find we get into physical and mental bad habits. It is important to identify some of these trouble spots


Health, Tech, Tips

Technology and Health

Technology is part of everything we do including work zoom calls, gadgets to help us stream music, and voice activated technology that works like having a personal assistant. It does