Art, Design, Illustration, Inspiration, Tutorials

How To Create a Cute and Cuddly Vector Dinosaur Character Tutorial in Illustrator

Today I have an Illustrator tutorial for you! With a cuddly dinosaur! Roarrrr! I hope that this tutorial will help your Adobe Illustrator skills, and help you relax, have some


Art, Design, Games, Geek, Illustration, Inspiration, Nerd Fun, Photoshop, Tutorials

80+ Epic Pixel Art Tutorials

If you are anything like me (and I have a feeling most of you are very like me) then you grew up playing games. Back in the 90’s, it was


Art, Branding, Design, Geek, Illustration, Inspiration, Nerd Fun, Print, Tutorials

40+ Epic T-Shirt Design Tutorials

Tee Shirts. or “Tees”. We all wear them, if you say you don’t, you are a dirty liar! As Designers, a lot of us (often during a daydream) let our


Art, Branding, Design, Geek, Inspiration, Nerd Fun, Print

40+ Creative Sticker Label Inspirations In Package Design

Sticker Labels. We see them, literally everywhere, but how many times do you really relate sticker labels directly to package design? Probably not often! Most people just consume without realizing


Blogging, Design, Development, Freelance, Geek, HTML5, Inspiration, Javascript, jQuery, Mobile, Nerd Fun, Programming, Tech

Easier to Understand 10+ Web Design Trends For 2012

Trends are a requisite for the development and growth of web design. The trends in the field of web design are born, enhanced, and leads to the development of other


Code, CSS3, Design, Development, Freelance, Geek, HTML5, Inspiration, Javascript, jQuery, Nerd Fun, Programming, Tech, Tutorials, Video

Best (so far) CSS3 Tutorials, Inspirations & Resources of 2012

Cascading Style Sheets. We meet again. Reading about CSS on the wikipedia is pretty interesting, if you have no idea what CSS is – or if you have known about


Contests, Design, Freebies, Inspiration, Tutorials

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Thanks to all who participated! This Giveaway is over The Winners are JAKE THOMPSON CAMERON BELL Congrats!!!! If you didn’t win this one, don’t worry – there is another contest