Business, Computer Science, Entrepreneur, Geek, Nerd Fun, Programming, , Tech, Tips

How To Outsmart Social Engineering Hackers

Say the word “hacker,” and many people think of some sallow-skinned loner pounding out viral code in his grandmother’s basement. Social charms and computer hacking don’t go together – right?


Code, Computer Science, Development, Geek, Mobile, Nerd Fun, Programming, Tech, Tips, Tutorials

Android Tips & Hacks To Maximize Your Phone’s Capabilities

Going under-the-hood to maximize your Phone’s Capabilities If you’re a free soul and don’t want to be chained down by pointless limitations, chances are you’d prefer an Android-based phone over


Apps, Code, Computer Science, Design, Development, Inspiration, Programming, Tech, Tips, Web

How To Create GUI (Graphical User Interface) Experiences

Good GUI Design Elements that Result in a Superior User Experience 12 Useful Techniques For Good User Interface Design User experience can be defined as the opinion of the user


Art, Computer Science, Design, Development, Entrepreneur, Tips, Web

After Decades of Doubt, Online Schools are Nearly a Viable Alternative for Higher Education

In the past this blog has discussed how to get into computer science online for free — the Internet now makes it possible to acquire sound educational information in ways


3D, Code, Computer Science, Design, Development, Games, Geek, HTML5, Inspiration, Javascript, jQuery, Nerd Fun, Programming, Tech, Tips, Tutorials

30+ Epic Game Tutorials

LOVE GAMES. As a kid I always loved games, ever since playing the early zelda games, I wanted to make games myself – but then after years of school and


Computer Science, Design, Development, Freelance, Tech, Web

Professional Web Design Certification Programs Worth Looking Into

So you want to be a Web Designer, Developer, or IT Guy. Awesome! Now for the hard part, finding a job! In this economy it is hard enough to keep


Apache, Code, Computer Science, Development, Geek, Inspiration, Programming, Tech, Tips, Tutorials, Web

30+ Epic Resources on How To SSH

Ok so I have been meaning to talk about SSH (Secure Shell) & Linux Commands for a while now, but just haven’t had the time to put together a worthy


Art, Computer Science, Design, Development, Funny, Geek, Tech

We need YOU to “VOTE ROBOT” on Threadless – Geeks Unite & Join The Robot Revolution Or Be Annihilated!

FELLOW GEEKS… ROBOT WEEK IS HERE – pick up robotic arms and join the cause! Super Tuesday – Threadless Style As some of you know, it is Super Tuesday, so