Keeping on with the tradition, I think you will find a good selection of links today, Got alot of interesting stuff yesterday, Special thanks to my twitter friends SteveTheGreat and mjnewham Who contribute and share lots of good quality links all throughout the day 🙂 Thanks to everyone else on my twitter too!
P.S. –> join my twitter –> andysowards
Web 2.0 Compilation
Awesome Slick Compilation of all things Web 2.0
Knowledge is Power – And Free
Book giveaway at Smashing Magazine! – Only need to leave a comment to win!
First part was great, this part is even better! Tons of knowledge, for free!
Stupid Site Of the Day
This site is "Idiotic" I should think before I speak. haha.
Social Networking Tool
Probably the most popular 'one-stop-social-networking-adding-tool' on the web right now. Add To Any.
Got Startups?
Jumpstart Your Startup!
Freaky History Lesson.
This is how blood was transfused during WW II. Ugh.
You Deserve a Pat on the Back
Do what Joel Says, Give your site a compliment 🙂
WordPress Theme
Need to learn the ins and outs of WordPress? Then take a theme apart. Part 2. Continuation.
Need to learn the ins and outs of WordPress? Then take a theme apart. Part 1.
Free Portfolio design theme for wordpress, Show off your stuff for free!
Freelance Designer Resources
10 Tips for Getting More Personal Interaction as a Freelancer – FreelanceSwitch – The Freelance BlogHaving the ability to work from home rather than in a traditional office setting was probably one of the major attractions to freelancing for most of us. However, working solo from home can be a real challenge due to the lack of personal interaction. Battle the woes by Checking out these tips!
A MUST HAVE for Designers. Client Checklist.
Need to Brand yourself? Check this out.
Twitter Design
Nice collection of different versions of that cute little twitter bird. Enjoy!
Adobe Air Crazy
Good site for Adobe Air App collections.
Social Network Redesigns
The internet is a social place. Twitter and Facebook are two websites that million of people use on a dailty basis. Both sites have also been recently re-designed. Whats your 2 cents on this? Check out His View.
As some of you know I am a big fan of 3d Typography here at AndySowards.com, Learning 3ds Max and other 3d Programs currently to create something beautiful, this list is a GREAT inspiration for just that, 3d Typography. Check it out!
25+ Twitter Tools and Plugins!
Twitter is an amazing service that we all love, everyday we notice a new twitter tool or service that makes using it more easy and fun. View their list of 25 of their favorite add ons, tools and services!
Adobe Flash Fail
Flash Clickjacking security flaw Workaround Released from Adobe
Does Affiliate Marketing Belong on Twitter? My mug is featured in this post 🙂
Searching for Answers
Live Search, Made Easy, Easy enough right?
Great Cartoons
Random web comic I stumbled across, funny one, did not look at others. let me know if they are good!
AllTop's explanation of what the site does. LOL
Drupal Power
Thinking bout giving Drupal a chance, Any Pros/Cons you would like to share?
Freaky/Funny Tweet
Hilarious Tweet Apocalyptic scenario.
Real Estate Social Network
Real Estate social network that even integrates with twitter? Kinda crazy.
Blog 4 life
Good Post about Making Money Online, Blogtastic.
Web Developer/Designer Resources
Collection of the Top Web Developer/Designer Feeds. Brilliant!
Plentiful collection of Shapes! More than you can shake a stick at!
Adsense For Games
All the more reason for me to learn to develop games. Adsense for games!
Sad but True Facts
If this is not the story of my life, I don't know what is…
Adsense Secrets
I have been implementing these strategies and the results are great!
Amazing and Inspiring Graphic Designer Portfolio site of Heiko Klug, better known as JesarOne. Enjoy!
Hi Andy, thanks for including my Design Checklist. Your collection here is a great one. I agree with Styletime about the series on Disassembling WordPress Themes – so useful.
Great links! Loving the Disassembling WordPress themes series! Cheers!
thanks a lot for listing webbyarts and the 3d typography article.
Please register/ partner with webbyarts.com and start posting your article now…