Today is a super busy day for me, Wife is having surgery, One of these links is simply amazing, the ‘Red Agency’ has the most interactive and amazing site ever. It has inspired me to create such a piece that is that FUN to implement onto this site. Stay tuned…
Blog Action Day
So how was blog action day created?
Designer Tutes
Really slick 3d Bar Graph. Tutorial!
Cool tutorial if you need help with your illustration skillz
Really amazing demonstration on how to use photoshop and photography to create something new and inspirational.
Designer Inspiration
Evolution of a really great site. Congrats on v4!
Dev tool for MAC
Very Cool Web Dev Tool for MAC
Copyright Protection
Your work got ripped off? There is something you can do. Here are 4 things in fact!
Amazing site of the day
Amazing site of the day – Most Amazing Flash Site I have seen in a while. Definitely an inspiration.
Google News
Google Android Reviews are Pouring in. This one is pretty organized.
Freelance, Designer Block?
Creativity Dead? Re-animate it.
Laugh of the Day
Like Cool Free Fonts? Me Too.
Blip.fm API
Blip.fm Released an API. Go Make something.