The Week is coming to a close! Its been a GREAT week here at AndySowards.com and we would like to say Hello and welcome to all the new Subscribers, daily visitors, and twitter friends!
ALSO would like to give a big thanks to all the new sponsors that you see to the right! Also, There are still spots available if you would like to advertise, Or you can contact me and we will work something out! Your nerdy techy web developer/designery Resources await! Feel free to leave some comment love or lay down some nerdy techy link enlightenment and Get Informed while doing it! Some really great inspirations, Freebies, and Info are below!
Web 2.0 News
Google.com is a traffic generating Monster. NOT!
No more PC Magazine? Does that mean my old copies are worth more? Probably not.
Creative Commons Wins.
Gmail Gets Customizable – With Themes!
So many FF Addons, Here are some of ReadWriteWebs Favs!
Cool post, 10 Apps to watch, after they have been watched for a year! Nice follow up!
After Effects Tips
Color Keying in After Effects, I Love After Effects.
What makes A Logo Designer A Professional?
What makes a logo designer, a Professional Logo Designer?
PHP Script
Pretty Quick and Easy to use Captcha script to use with your forms. Helped me out of a pickle the other day! 🙂
Nice post on Creatives and Micromanagement! Good One!
Elliot Jay Stocks view of Advertising, Interesting read!
Tips for Entrepreneurs and Startups! Good Ones!
Web Developer/Designer Inspiration
Best Websites of 2008 According to TIME
Website Designs of 10 of the Top Artists on iTunes | Inspiration Graphic Design Blog | UCreative.comHere are some probably REALLY overpriced designs from the Top iTunes Artists Websites
Really nice Custom Design t-Shirts! Inspirational!
Creative comment designs w/ Avatars! You could be featured in here! (If you leave comments on blogs that is)
Collection of 44 Designs that will Definitely Inspire you! Wow!
Laughs of the day
This. Is. Awesome. Next time someone asks you a dumb question they should have searched for themselves, Use this.
Fun Read, Break those Design Habits!
Computer(Nerd) History
Great Computer History Lesson! Mmm Useless Information to add to my mental collection!
Web Regulations, and You
The web is regulated? Yes, Here is the Who, The Why, and The How!
Web Developer/Designer Resources
If you don't use these plugins then you SHOULD be!
Improve your Photoshop Efficiency!
Web Development/Design Nerdy Daily Links For 11/19/2008 – Your nerdy techy web developer/designery Resources await! Feel free to leave some comment love or lay down some nerdy techy link enlightenment and Get Informed while doing it! Some really great inspirations, Freebies, and Info are below!
Giant Gallery of CSS Sites, Really Good Resource!
Awesome collection of HIGH QUALITY and FREE Vector Object Sets, this is a truly awesome collection!
Awesome FREE Delicious Icons!
Its good to have alternative Image Gallery software, because they are all different. Here is a nice collection
24 Hour Free Trial! Awesome!
Twitter Stuff!
Tons more Twitter Backgrounds packed with Information!
Did not even know these existed, but yeah, they suck.
Nice collection of Twitter Status Design Tutorials and Plugins for integrating into your blog!