Finance, Money, personal

Setting Up A Structured Repayment Plan Between Relatives

When you loan money to friends or family members in good faith, ensuring repayment can be difficult. Not only does it allow for financial strain, but it can also impact


Lifehacks, personal, Tips

The Painkiller Problem

The United States has a big problem when it comes to prescription painkillers and other opioids. In 2020, more than 100,000 Americans died from drug overdoses, and two-thirds of those


Health, personal, Tips

Wellness in the New Year

With the new year comes tons of resolutions. But how often are those resolutions kept? One tactic to ensuring that you stay consistent and long-term with the habit you’re striving


personal, Tips

Importance of Sleep

Sleep is incredibly important for both physical and mental wellbeing. During sleep, our bodies repair heart and blood muscles. Sleep triggers a hormone that promotes growth in teens and children


Health, Lifehacks, personal

Tackling Your Loved One’s Cancer

Of all the words in the English language, “cancer” is perhaps the most frightening. Cancer affects approximately 38.5% of men and women, and, while often treatable, the initial diagnosis can


Lifehacks, personal, Productivity, Tips

Sleep And Your Health

It’s no secret that it’s important to get a good night’s sleep. Anyone who has ever gone to work tired or drifted off to sleep out of exhaustion understands that


Art, Design, Interior Design, personal, popular

Furniture That Makes Your Life Easier

If your mobility isn’t what it used to be, then it’s time to take a look around your living space and make some changes. One of the best decisions you


personal, Tips

The Hurricane Relief Efforts We Don’t Think About

The United States is in the midst of its most dramatic and terrible hurricane season in many, many years. While a terrible storm seems to come along at least once