Business, Entrepreneur, Tech

How Can Voice Analytics Benefit Businesses During the Pandemic?

COVID-19 has placed a strain on every business around the world, whether this is a loss of revenue from having to close doors, adapting procedures to allow social distancing and


Business, Marketing

Marketing Options for 2021

Marketing is a big deal for companies that want to get ahead in this day and age. It has actually always been a big deal. If you’re in charge of


Geek, Gifts, Lifehacks, Tech

5 Must-Follow Black Friday Shopping Tips

You’ve probably been waiting the whole year for Black Friday, the annual holiday shopping experience during which you can get a new TV, smartphone, or any high-tech gadget at affordable


Lifehacks, Tips, Travel

Should you Move or Buy a New Car?

The decision of moving or buying a new car at the time of relocation depends on several factors. No one can give you a certain answer to this question. Moving


Business, Entrepreneur, Lifehacks

Top 7 Benefits of Using A Virtual Assistant

Research shows that the Global Intelligent Virtual Assistant industry’s worth may hit $19 billion by 2025. But who are virtual assistants, and what do they do? Virtual assistants are remote


Business, Entrepreneur, Tips

Cutting Costs Within Your Business

Nowadays, increasing numbers of people are deciding to quit their nine to five and run their own businesses. Now, there are so many reasons behind this. First and foremost, many


Lifehacks, Tips

What is a Good Strategy for Paying off Debt?

It has been said that no business survives without incurring debt. Others have even stated, “There is no ‘big’ business out there that is debt-free”. While this may be an


Career, Lifehacks, Travel

What Salary Do You Need to Live Comfortably in Singapore?

A foreign national that wishes to find work in Singapore can do so by working through a recruiter that will assist them in finding jobs in Singapore that suit their